
2009-09-14 5:02 pm
点解D銀行唔收舊美鈔呢,花少少, 破少少,都唔收, 好唔方便,
何來咁多新鈔呀?美国遊客和移民回港渡假好麻煩, 可否向那亇部门投訢

回答 (6)

2009-09-16 9:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
first reason is there are SO MANY counterfeit America money in the world.
second reason is when X bank do exchange the dollar to Y bank, they will face the same quility selection.
to minimize their loss the teller have to give customer such " hard time ".

2009-09-16 01:15:45 補充:
you should try America banks in HK. ex: citibank, chase, or bank of american...
they should take any legal bills.
參考: live in USA
2009-09-16 1:17 am
2009-09-15 11:28 pm
点解香港的銀行只收新鈔﹖ 一字 o甘 簡單﹕ 因為其他客人去銀行用港幣換美鈔﹐ 花少少唔要, 破少少唔要﹐ 所以佢地咪 o甘 緊張囉。 無得投訴﹐最多唔幫襯佢。
2009-09-14 11:40 pm
Because the old banknote does not have more security features than the new design. Also, the old design can be easily used for counterfeiting.
2009-09-14 6:16 pm
多謝回答, 但我好想知佢地点解拒收舊鈔。
2009-09-14 5:57 pm
美国遊客和移民回港渡假可用提款咭到提款機提款, 有美國銀行嘅提款咭, 在中國建設銀行嘅提款機攞錢, 免收手續費, 好過將D現金換來換去。

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