How to tell if a girl is shy/nervous and is interested?

2009-09-13 6:33 pm
i was in a class with this girl, i often catch her looking at me and i look back too
so time went by, i've been bumping into her on campus, usually just eye contact and smiles and sometimes a wave, nothing more..
i always wanted to go talk to her but she's pretty social, always with a group of ppl...but i'm shy
anyways..2 chances came and i took them, tried to talk to her
- first of all i'm not too good at starting and keeping a convo
- both times she asked 'how r u' first and then i asked back, and then like 5 secs of awkward smiles and eye contacts...and i managed to ask simple qs to break that
- well she asked for my name the second time

but i'm not sure what she is thinking, i mean she seems really outgoing with a group of fds but alone..she seems shy and nervous when i tried to talk to her

**maybe she's like that cuz she doesn't kknow me? lol

the first time, i started talking to her and 2 of her fds came by and she had such a good and smooth convo with the guy, but i think she's the flirty type cuz i always see her talking to guys lol but yeh i was just standing there awkwardly :( then i left for class lol

回答 (2)

2009-09-13 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
she's comfortable around other guys.. .probably because they have known her for a lot longer.

you... you are new.
so... keep the ball rolling my friend.

you are going to have ask her for her facebook or something... where you can find out more about her!

movies she likes.. activities... and if they match your likes... then .... it'll be easy to do something together!

good luck !
2009-09-13 6:37 pm

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