Does he like me guys please answer easy 10 points?

2009-09-13 6:22 pm
there is a boy in my homeroom and he talks nonstop to me when he he sees me in the hallway he smiles and waves hi or says He my name. He also sits by me in science and ask me to be his lab partner, and at the football game he went out of his way to tell me something and he smile and stared at me the whole time during a band dance Im in cheer leading and he plays soccer and is in band. Do you think he likes me and how can I get his attention even more
please please answer
also there was a dance and he asked if I was going when I sad no he said oh that's disappointing.

回答 (8)

2009-09-13 6:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
yes he defienently loves u Srry this is so long but read it anyways . hmm you can tell a guy is in love with you, when he shares the darkest secrets about his past, and would love you unconditionally no matter what you have done to them, they would forgive you, when they just want to talk to you just to hear the sound of your voice, and try to make you laugh just so they can hear you laughing, they'd also just try to make you smile because thats the only thing in the world that makes them happy. Their not afraid to cry around you and would rather cry around you then walk away with their head down looking to the floor, instead they'd look to you for support. They might show off around u to catch ut eye. He will stare at u for a long time until u turn around or he might just have a glance at u. He might stand up for u if someone is mistrating u. He will smile at u a lot or if he is shy he will smile at u and as soon as u look at him bam the smile is gone :( . Oh u can try this ive seen plp do this around the place. If you really want to know if he likes you, pretend you are really excited about something then run up and give him a big hug. Watch his reaction carefully, if he doesn't hug you or pushes you away, then he doesn't like UNLESS his face is red, he may just be too stunned to do anything. If he hugs you back he may just be polite and hug you in a friendly way. But if he likes you and hugs you back he will do it affectionately and you will know. But make sure you have your story straight about why you are excited in case he doesn't like you. But if he does then he won't really care why you hugged him he will just be happy you did. Some guys r shy or way too shy so u might have to make the first move :) . Some boys might tease u if they can’t express themselves in a way with words. Hmmm wat else. Oh watch his behavior around u and other girls u might see a difference then hr might like u if he is like being a total opposite to u like mean to other girls and he trats u like royalty XD. He might make friends with ur friends to cause sometimes they might say oh he likes u girl or he might tell one of ur close friends to spill it to u he likes it but in a way that he doesn’t know but he thinks cause it might backfire on him if he hates u. If he tries getting closer to u if he confident around u or bring shy he must love u. hmm I can’t think of anything else so I;m going to stop here.
參考: hmm :D
2009-09-14 1:26 am
uh... yeah he likes you, how can you get more attention then that? anyway, ask him out or something if you like him back.
2009-09-14 1:27 am
yeah he likes you. ask him to hang out, couldn't hurt.
2009-09-14 1:27 am
yes seems like he does :)

next time u see him explain why you couldn't go to the dance and say you would've loved it if you were able to go with him or something liek that lol
2009-09-14 1:27 am
Well, He really likes you probably. 1 boy did the same thing with me before too. When he go next to me he is saying: Hey and smiles. Well, yes he likes you. :)
2009-09-14 1:26 am
if you want his attention then talk to him get his number girls should be able to talk to guys the same way guys talk to girls. he probably does like you cause he was most likely gonna ask you to that dance
2009-09-14 1:26 am
yea he def likes you. maybe you should go to the dance with him. dont do anything more to get attention because you already have his attention. doing anything more would look desperate. make sure to say him to him too if you see him and talk to him. that's cute. tell him that you like him, don't try to be sly and wait for him to tell you. tell him first. good luck.
2009-09-14 1:25 am
yea it sounds pretty obvious that he likes u. you dont really have to do anything to get his attention..i think you already have it. if u like him, u should tell him that u like him..dont waste time..dont play hard to get..

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