
2009-09-14 4:39 am
咩係第幾聲 單數? 複數?何解?
如 我聽過第3聲單數? 但係點用ga?

仲有啊 ,英文字 果d ...
n,v,adj,adv....仲有好多,求列明= =
他的全寫 又是什麽呢?解釋呢?
邊一類型的詞語 需要 某情況下 轉過去式,將來...??

最後一d 問題啦...
就係 有乜式?
請列明全部= =如過去,將來,現在...


回答 (2)

2009-09-18 1:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
001好詳細呀~~very good~!

n = noun名詞
故明思意即係人名呀,he, she, it, i, you, we, they, this等等個d la,
同埋個d tree呀, computer呀,bowl呀,總之同你中文所學o既一樣la,
至於個d咩第幾身單數眾數個d,其實主要係講i, he, she, it個d,
第一身單數: I
第一身眾數: we
第二身單數: you
第二身眾數: you
第三身單數: he, she, it, (人名呀,死物呀,個d等等都係第三身單數)
第三身眾數: they (死物o既眾數個d都係第三身眾數)
v = verb 動詞
run, go, visit, hit等等有動作o既都係動詞 (think都係,你個腦o既動作@@)
而動詞亦同d tenses有關係,同埋第幾身單眾數個d有關係,例如I, you, we, they 就跟go, he, she, it同其他名詞就跟goes, 所有眾數都係跟go.
例如go, going, went, gone
see, seeing, saw, seen
cheat, cheating, cheated, cheated
現在式: go, 現在分詞: going, 過去式: went, 過去分詞: gone
adj = adjective形容詞
都係故名思意,就係形容一d野,而被形容o既當然係名詞la,所以通常都係名詞前面,例如the fat lady (肥女人,個肥就係形容詞la), the insane person (癲佬,個癲就形容o個個person)
adv = adverb副詞
he slightly moves the table (個slightly就係副詞,move就係動詞,table 就係名詞la,中文解釋就係:佢稍微移開左張枱,個稍微就係用黎修飾個移,明嗎?)

2009-09-17 17:33:00 補充:
Tenses include:
Simple present 現在式 (公式: 原動詞,或因應第幾身單眾數去加s)
例如: the sun rasies from the east太陽由東方升起,
例如: i usually get up at 6 am我通常6點就起身,

2009-09-17 17:33:31 補充:
Simple past 過去式 (公式: 過去式動詞, 例went, did, worked, broke)
例如: he went to my house yesterday佢尋日黎左我屋企
尋日係呢個個key word
Simple future 將來式 (公式: will + 原動詞)
例如: she will marry me佢將會嫁俾我
2009-09-14 5:00 pm
n = noun
Nouns are names, such as apple, tree, person, hair.
Pronouns are a special kind of nouns. They are representations of another noun. The most important pronouns include: I, you, he, she, it, they, we, this, that, these, those.

v = verb
Verbs are actions, such as run, eat, sleep
Two of the most important exceptions is 'be' and 'have.'
The verb 'be' can become am, are, is, was, were, have/has been...

A, an, the. A and an are indefinite articles. The is the definite article.

adj = adjective
Adjectives add descriptions or qualities to nouns.
For example, that girl is beautiful, a green tree, the fresh, tall tree.

adv = adverb
Adverbs modify verb, adjective, or another adverb.

Numbers and quantifier
one, two, three, four, and so on.
A dozen, A pair, a bunch, all, ...

Tenses include:
Simple present
Simple past
Simple future
Present continuous
Past continuous
Future continuous
Present perfect
Past perfect
Future perfect
Present perfect continuous
Past perfect continuous
Future perfect continuous

Simple present:
Indicates truths, for example: The Earth revolves around the Sun.
Indicates someone's current habit: I go to school everyday.
Feelings: I feel sleepy.

Simple past:
Something happened in the past: Andy Lau showed up in the charity concert yesterday.

Simple future:
A plan, or something that is expected to happen in the future. I will visit my aunt tomorrow. Obama will say something about the new policy later this week.
Condition: If you study hard, your English will improve.

Countable and Uncountable, Singular and plural:
Countable: Things you can count one two three. Such as one man, two flower buds.
Uncountable: Things that you cannot sensibly count. Water, wind, sunlight.
Singular means one, single: A tree, one bird, This boy.
Plural means more than one: Two trees, many birds, those boys.

First person singular: I
First person plural: We
Second person singular and plural: You
Third person singular: he, she, it, this, that
Third person plural: they, these, those

2009-09-14 09:02:42 補充:
Grammar is analytical, and some people aren't ready for those. If you are not good at grammar, I strongly suggest you start reading books at your level. If you read a lot you will eventually understand, that English grammar is just some rules to help you understand reading and writing English.
參考: Myself

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