Michael Jackson Heal the world

2009-09-14 3:53 am
請問有冇人可以將 Michael Jackson Heal the world歌詞翻譯中文,謝謝!

回答 (1)

2009-09-14 10:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Heal The World 拯救這世界

There's a place in your heart 在你心中有個地方
And I know that it is love 我知道那裏充滿了愛
And this place could be much 這個地方會比
Brighter than tomorrow 明天更燦爛
And if you really try 如果你真的努力過
You'll find there's no need to cry 你會發覺不必哭泣
In this place you'll feel 在這個地方
There's no hurt or sorrow 你感覺不到傷痛或煩憂
There are ways to get there 到那個地方的方法很多
If you care enough for the living 如果你真心關懷生存者
Make a little space Make a better place 營造一些空間,創造一個更美好的地方

Heal the world 拯救這世界
Make it a better place 讓它變得更好
For you and for me 為你、為我
And the entire human race 及為了全人類
There are people dying 不斷有人死去
If you care enough for the living 如果你真心關懷生存者
Make a better place 創造一個更美好的地方
For you and for me 為你、為我

If you want to get more...plz go to http://mjhkfc.marlito.com/viewthread.php?tid=173&extra=page%3D1
my msn: [email protected]: http://mjhkfc.marlito.com/index.php
參考: the king of pop- michael jackson

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