
2009-09-14 2:27 am

1. 我想知2010年芬蘭係咪會開始收學費? 係咪sure左?

2. 如果考完會考想去芬蘭讀大學, 要讀dee咩先?要讀幾多年? (e.g. 讀1年先修再讀3年大學)

3. 我大學想讀傳理or翻譯, 呢兩科普遍易吾易入?(未有指定大學)

4. 讀完傳理返到香港有無認受性架?

5. 一年學費+生活費連住宿要幾錢? (若先修和大學之費用不同, 請注明)

6. 如果我考完ce, 有學校收我既機會大吾大呢? (因為我驚係hk升吾到f.6, 加上要係hk讀傳理既要求較高, 所以吾打算係hk讀)

7. 會吾會話ce高分或低分(english level一樣)會影響錄取機會?

8. 有dee咩科係讀完返黎hk有認受性呀?

9. 係香港去finland讀書有咩途徑? (即係邊度考入學試+拎有關章程)

因為我屋企經濟環境吾太好, 所以學費+生活費係首要既考慮條件
本來想去台灣讀, 但因為香港吾認可台灣既大學學位
加上去外國讀又可以練好dee英文, 所以會考慮芬蘭


回答 (1)

2009-09-14 7:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 我想知2010年芬蘭係咪會開始收學費? 係咪sure左?
Never heard of people does not have finnish citizenship can study free in Finland (I live there for 6 months)
Yes, public school are free (From elementry to university) but you cannot enrol in Public school unless you are finnish or EU citizens....
You can, however, enrol in Public School if you are in related exchange program.
Private institute are charging fee from start. Not only just now.
2. 如果考完會考想去芬蘭讀大學, 要讀dee咩先?要讀幾多年? (e.g. 讀1年先修再讀3年大學
Is not like that, most Finnish University are taught in either Finnish or Swedish and most school require you to be proficency in wither of those 2 language. So for an oversea student you path is follow
1.) Take Swedish/Finnish language course and pass it (God know how long, i studied in Sweden and i need to take 2 years to pass the god damn test)
2.) Take Pre-University Course, if you did not have correspondent qualification (2-3 years)
3.) Take university classes (3 years)
3. 我大學想讀傳理or翻譯, 呢兩科普遍易吾易入?(未有指定大學)
Both of them are hard.....
4. 讀完傳理返到香港有無認受性架?
Dunno, probably not that good....
5. 一年學費+生活費連住宿要幾錢? (若先修和大學之費用不同, 請注明)
About 5000 Euro living expenses a year. And different college have different fee, tell me which institute you want to go to, and i tell you how much it cost.....
6. 如果我考完ce, 有學校收我既機會大吾大呢? (因為我驚係hk升吾到f.6, 加上要係hk讀傳理既要求較高, 所以吾打算係hk讀)
CE = High School, you are enrolling in Year 11-12, no university will take you when you are CE graduate, there are no community course you can do in University. You need to start from matriculate (High School)
7. 會吾會話ce高分或低分(english level一樣)會影響錄取機會?
English itself does not affect individually, but it will affect your situation in general.
8. 有dee咩科係讀完返黎hk有認受性呀?
I only know marketing is quite popular, i don't know the rest
9. 係香港去finland讀書有咩途徑? (即係邊度考入學試+拎有關章程
You can go to Finnish Embassy and ask them, or you can just search any one of the Finnish University and have a look see yourselve.

2009-09-14 08:40:16 補充:

My niece studying Economic and marketing in U of Helsinki

2009-09-14 08:40:56 補充:

He is Swedish Citizens and born in Sweden, he did matriculate school(Grammar High School) and open exam

2009-09-14 08:41:47 補充:
我想知如果我考完ce去, 係咪一定會有High School收我?

Not necessarily, depends on your Finnish and Swedish (High School in Finland was taught in Swedish and Finnish, not english)

2009-09-14 08:42:51 補充:
我又要讀幾多年high school先可以入到university?

Depends on your assessment exam, if you preform badly, you need to start from 9 or 10 form (3 - 4 years), if not, you can straight up from 11th (2 years)

2009-09-14 08:44:20 補充:
5000 Euro 係咪已經包晒一年學費+生活費連住宿?

No, 5000 Euro is for living expenses only, not include administration/activities levy (Another term of tuition fee in Finland) Levy can cost anywhere from a few hundred Euro to 5000 Euro a semester. Depend on school and subjects.

2009-09-14 08:44:56 補充:
因為我只係好初步甘plan, 所以未睇學校架....
但high school同university係咪一樣要5000 euro一年?

High School is free, but foreign student need to pay a levy to University.

2009-09-14 08:45:59 補充:
同埋如果傳理, 翻譯係難入, 甘有咩科係易入dee?

It is not like that, there are only 2 way to enter Finnish University, first, you take matriculate school and go open exam. The school result + open exam will decide which course you can choose in university.

2009-09-14 08:49:02 補充:
The other way is to take language course and placement exam, that placement exam decide which course you take in university.

2009-09-14 08:52:15 補充:

Well, technically, it is correct but it is wrong and misleading.......

In Finland and Sweden Publich School (including University) are government subsidery, that mean they cannot charge student tuition fee for enrolment.

2009-09-14 08:53:14 補充:
But, to get into Public school, it is nearly impossible for foreign student. And foreign Student are to pay a thing called Administrative/Activities Levy to suppliment the course.

2009-09-14 08:54:14 補充:
For a student to enrol in an public university. You need to pass either Swedish/Finnish Open exam and progress from high school locally. Otherwise, you need to take Swedish/Finnish language exam and sit for a placement test.

2009-09-14 08:55:07 補充:
Most course in Finnish University are taught in either Swedish or Finnish and relatively you need sound demostration of either language to enrol in, for that, you only need to pay a relatively small Levy (about 500-1000 Euros)

2009-09-14 08:56:07 補充:
However, there are some "International" Course offered by Finnish Public University, they were taught in English and confer a degree in English, that too is free of tuition fee. But the catch is, you need to pay a larger Levy to study in those course

2009-09-14 08:57:30 補充:
Levy is about 3000-5000 Euro per semester to enrol in those course.

2009-09-14 08:57:37 補充:
So, technically, there are no tuition fee in Finnish University, but there are a thing called levy to suppliment....Do remember tho, Levy is only payable to foreign student outside EU/EEA Area. Local student does not need to pay levy

2009-09-14 09:00:20 補充:
Also, transfer student and exchange study in Finnish University is not payable for any levy.

2009-09-14 21:11:20 補充:
要入University的唯一途徑是讀high school,
而要讀high school就一定要懂Swedish or Finnish ?

No, you need to Know either Swedish or Finnish to ENTER University, that's different.

2009-09-14 21:11:48 補充:
Situation is like, you can study in international school in HK (Taught in whatever language) but you still need to take HKAL which is done in English and Chinese, so in the end, you must know either English and Chinese to gain entry to HK univeristy

2009-09-14 21:12:38 補充:
But this is not necessilary need to do either Chinese or English to get in to high school in HK right?

2009-09-14 21:13:37 補充:
如果我不懂Swedish or Finnish, 又想ce過去兼讀University的話

You can study international or private school (HS) whic htaught in English but you still need to do Matriculate exam, and that can only be done in Swedish or Finnish..........

2009-09-14 21:14:38 補充:

Dunno, you don't expect me to know all the standard of all the finnish high school don't you.......

But as far as the website goes, it is not public school, i can only tell you that.

2009-09-14 21:16:02 補充:
有沒有宿舍? (如有, 幾錢?)

Don't know if they have college hall, but they do charge 339 Euro per semester plus enrollment fee and aministration fee.

2009-09-14 21:16:54 補充:
而這一間又是不是english high school呢?
如果是的話, 這一間大概跟上邊那間有甚麼不同?

This is an high School for adult, more like a Pre-U school then high school......That the one above, is a traditional high school.....

2009-09-14 21:18:27 補充:
你俾dee有關"International" Course offered by Finnish Public University既資料我?

I cannot give you detail you already know, just search the website for University in Finland and you can find most of the information under international student or enrolments.

2009-09-14 21:19:02 補充:
同埋如果我ce完選擇過去讀University of Applied Scienc! es(UAS)

Don't think they will take you unless you did Matriculate exam or placement exam.
參考: My niece is studying in University of helsinki

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