黎克特制(Richter Scale) 快!!!!!!

2009-09-14 1:10 am
我要知道Richter Scale係咩

請用英文回笞!!!!!! 我要英文笞案!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2009-09-14 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
芮氏地震規模(Richter magnitude scale),亦稱地震震級(local magnitude,ML)、又譯里氏、黎克特制震級,是表示地震規模大小的標度。它是由觀測點處地震儀所記錄到的地震波最大振幅的常用對數演算而來。由於地震儀的位置一般並不在震央,考慮到地震波在傳播過程中的衰減以及其它干擾因素,計算時需減去觀測點所在地規模0地震所應有的振幅之對數。

Richter magnitude earthquake scale (Richter scale), also called magnitude earthquake magnitude (local, ML), and to translate the Hld, Richter magnitude, it is because the size of the earthquake.It is made of the observation point (PTWC) recorded the largest seismic wave amplitude of common logarithm calculus.Because of the location of the PTWC) is not in General and, taking into account the epicentres of seismic wave propagation in the process of decay and other barriers, calculate the required size minus the observation point location 0 earthquake be attributed to the amplitude of the logarithm.
2009-09-14 1:33 am
黎克特制(地震震級)(Richter magnitude scale),又叫近震震級(local magnitude,ML)、又譯里氏、芮氏震級,係表示地震規模大小嘅標度。佢係由觀測點處地震儀所記錄到嘅地震波最大振幅嘅常用對數演算出嚟。由於地震儀嘅位置並唔喺震央,考慮到地震波喺傳播過程中嘅衰減同埋其它干擾因素,計算時需減去觀測點所在地規模地震所應有嘅振幅去對數。

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