
2009-09-13 11:13 pm
狗狗得了膀胱癌, 請問有沒有狗主有相同經驗可以指教及分享一下, 謝謝.

有沒有食療可以幫助? 或其他方法?


謝謝lifeaccessory的回答, 咁請問食雲芝好d定係黑酵母好d? 可唔可以一齊食ga? tks


Thanks yuenling86. The vet didn't say the stage at the moment because it's just found. Would you further explain the meaning "hard to take it" ? Means the taste is no good? Thanks for your help.


thanks for gwendolyn lau's reply. Already checked with Doctor, but just want to know if some another methods can help.

回答 (3)

2009-09-17 3:24 am
2009-09-15 2:19 pm
Stop selling your products here.
This s not the platform for you selling any products.
膀胱癌?? What stage of the canceer is your dog suffering?
If eating 雲芝好d定係黑酵母 can makes the situation better, the vet will told you to do so.
"雲芝好d定係黑酵母" I would say either of these can do the magic. It s hard to take it, But that s the ture.

2009-09-15 22:01:32 補充:
but you should call the vet again, even just found it. The vet should suggest to carry out test and know the stage of the canceer. To know the stage of the canceer, is important.

2009-09-15 22:21:39 補充:
Sorry, I was trying to say, It s sorry to say, none of the "雲芝好d定係黑酵母" can do the magic work. If it does, those big drug companies would have their drug with either element of "雲芝好d定係黑酵母".

2009-09-17 02:22:37 補充:
only those methods which the vet recommand. The others which are wasting time and money

2009-09-17 02:23:17 補充:
animals visit Vet. human visit Doctor. That s different.
2009-09-14 2:48 am

2009-09-15 16:26:38 補充:

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