主題: 衝紅燈 (中譯英)

2009-09-13 8:40 am
請翻譯以下句子, 謝謝:
試過一次坐小巴, 個司機顧住講手提電話.
雖然係免提電話, 但始終會分散注意力.
衝咗紅燈都唔知, 差點就造成致命的意外.

回答 (5)

2009-09-17 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
I was once on a minibus.The driver kept talking and talking up a storm on his cellphone.

Though he had his phone switched to the hands-free mode, he was no doubt distracted. Whizzing through the red light, he almost kicked the bucket for a simple cellphone convo! How careless he was!
2009-09-18 12:17 am
How about these?

Whizzing through the red light, he almost kicked the bucket
with all innocent passengers for a simple cellphone convo!
2009-09-15 8:15 am
One time I saw a driver focusing on talking over his mobile phone.

It was a hand free device, nevertheless it could divert the driver's attention.

The mini-bus rammed through the red lights, almost causing a fatal accident.
Alternative: The mini-bus had a dash through the red lights/traffic lights, almost causing a fatal accident.


I think "rammed through" can be used in this context, do correct me if I'm wrong.

2009-09-15 23:42:56 補充:
I didn't mention mini-bus on my first line.

One time I was on a mini-bus and saw the driver focusing on talking over his mobile phone.

It was a hand free device, however the driver's attention might still be diverted.
/(the driver might be distracted)
參考: myself
2009-09-14 10:43 pm
My experience once travelling by a public light bus that the driver was only concentrating on chatting via a portable phone. Despite a hand-free device was used, the driver's attention was inevitably diverted. The vehicle had unconsciously rushed arcoss the road even though the traffic light was in red. It nearly caused a fatal accident.
2009-09-13 9:54 am
I was on the bus , I saw the bus driver was talking on his mobile phone.
Although he was talking with a hand free device but it is still distracting the concentration.
He drove through the red light without noticing it and it was nearly caused fatal accident.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 10:07:01
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