weird, wrong, or normal.HELP!?

2009-09-13 4:23 am
im 17 and im a senior
and most of my friends are sophomores
is that weird or wrong
most ppl i know says it is
i also sit with this guy and girl and lunch and their both sophomores
and its not my fault. i dont pick the people for whom i wanna be friends with
it just happens

and were almost BEST friends

回答 (9)

2016-10-05 8:20 pm
I had a call one evening from a woman who needed to correctly known approximately her mom's drugs. three times I stated, "i'm sorry, yet you will desire to confer with with a pharmacist. this could be a private homestead, no longer a pharmacy." The 0.33 time she have been given mad at me, questioning why i does no longer answer her questions or placed her by using to the pharmacist. I as quickly as lower back, patiently, defined she had the incorrect style. She yelled at me and hung up. the only reason i did no longer carry p.c. up on my 2d attempt is that I knew the meds she replaced into asking approximately and knew she particularly mandatory to chat a pharmacist. sigh..that's what you get for being extreme high quality i assume...
2009-09-13 4:42 am
very normal. don't be bothered much. friendship is boundless. In this world where even cats and dogs can be best of friends and elephant and dog...weird? but it's beautiful that way. Just have fun and treasure that friendship.
2009-09-13 4:39 am
No, it's not wrong or weird. It doesn't matter how old you are--hell, my best friend is four years older than me. What matters is if you're happy being their friend.
2009-09-13 4:35 am
yeah stick with them cuz when you older and you get out into the really world age doesnt really matter who cares if their a year younger. i have friends 2 years younger. and their great.. plus if they need advice theyl come to you
2009-09-13 4:33 am
just leave it and be yourself. Sit with the one you want to.
2009-09-13 4:32 am
normal, be friends with whatever age.
that's the great thing about highschool.
2009-09-13 4:31 am
That's normal, when I was a freshmen I was hanging out with sophomores and juniors. It's not a big deal, if someone judges you because of it they're stupid. It's completely fine. :)
2009-09-13 4:30 am
Age is nothing. Be friends with whomever you want!
2009-09-13 4:28 am
nope. sit with who u want.

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