When US president give his speech in public, there are two screens in front of him, what does it called?

2009-09-12 11:44 pm
The two screens will be appeared president's text. What does it called in English?

回答 (4)

2009-09-12 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That is his brain. (Just kidding....it's a teleprompter.)
2009-09-13 6:48 am
a teleprompter
2009-09-13 6:55 am
Those are the real president. President Teleprompters. Obama is just playing the part doing what they tell him to do. He's the puppet.
2009-09-13 7:56 am
Thats his thought that people tell him to think. Mostly pelosi and reid and his thirty-some-odd Czars all influence his brain and he has no personal thoughts. He never has really had his own thoughts. Also, see how "well spoken" he is without those. Plus he is not a genuine person, at least , at the very least, Bush was not a great speaker but he spoke genuinely and that does not scare me. Obama and the people he surrounds himself with - SCARES ME

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