When a man starts lowering the tone of his voice on the phone, why?

2009-09-12 5:57 pm
Is it sexy or just plain weird?

回答 (13)

2009-09-12 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He doesn't want his wife to hear the conversation. :-D
2009-09-13 3:54 am
Well, it's probably sexy...

But on the other hand he might be bored and falling asleep.

參考: My brain....
2009-09-13 1:04 am
Do you mean he's speaking at a particular volume and then starts getting quieter? Hmmm.... I'd figure he doesn't want somebody eavesdropping on his conversation. Might be something perfectly innocent...Have you tried asking him why he drops his volume?

If he's changing the tone, then perhaps he is doing it (possibly subconsciously -- that is -- he's not aware he's doing it!) because he's interested in you. In which case, if you're curious, you might ask why he does it (but be prepared that he might not be aware he's doing it).

I'd interpret it as being sexy -- he's interested.
2009-09-13 1:03 am
Because that's how we talk to girls. Be glad the man doesn't have a lisp or a squeeky voice. We don't try to its just natural. My girl thinks its sexy. This is because men have an adams apple it makes our voices lower & deeper then yours. =) ten points ?!=)
2009-09-13 1:01 am
That means hes sexually attracted to you.
Throughout time girls have been more attracted to guys that are manly.
And its a subconsious act on his part. To seem more appealing to you
參考: Biology leson
2009-09-13 1:03 am
when talking to a girl or wen talkin sexy or important matters which must be secret. or talkin wit someone which others must not know
2009-09-13 1:00 am
its the phones fault
2009-09-13 1:00 am
if u r a girll, maybe he's just being gentle lol
2009-09-13 1:00 am
cus theyre thinking about someone else hahaha
2009-09-13 1:00 am
What were you guys talking about? Maybe he was with another woman and you were talking about something about your relationship he didn't want her to hear?

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