10 POINTS Is this really bad? am i considered a s-lut now?

2009-09-12 4:55 pm
K everything is weird now.... what should i facebook him??

This guy i like came over and we were kissing and it turned into making out and he said it was hot and took off his shirt and asked me if i wanted to take off my sweater and i said no way im not wearing anything under it and hes like yeaa ur wearing a braa and he took my sweater off me!! even tho i was saying no!! and thenn things got bad but we didnt have sex NO WAYYY! we only went on 3 dates and i only knew him like 2 months...

i told him i wanted to take things slow & then i asked him if he was my boyfriend and he said "do u want me to be" and i said yeaa then he said okay then i am.

then we started kissing and he put my hand on his u kno what and i pulled it away and was like "uh uh" while still kissing him and then he put it there again and i said no and stopped kissing him and then he said plz, can u try. and soo yea i basically gave him a ********.....

I feel stupid cuz i didnt really want to but i did anywayz.... and it was awkward!!!! btw am i supposed to stop before he cums? cuz thats wat i did and hes like can i use ur bathroom lol...

im a virgin if u havent guessed lol and im soo innocent.. ppl that kno me would be like wth did u do?? no wayy u never did that lol
and im 21 soo im not super young

but yeaa it was awkward and i wasnt into it cuz im not ready yet for all that... i mean i just like himm.... what should i do or say now to take the awkwardness away cuz i know he knows i wasnt into it, i wasnt doing anything he was doing all the work lol and i kept saying wait stop.....

im not a prude tho... it just didnt feel right. i barely kno him

回答 (11)

2016-05-20 2:14 am
I don't know about the strip clubs, clubs and drinking, but smoking makes you smell bad and that is not very attractive.
2009-09-12 5:39 pm
No you are NOT a **** ok, calm down and relax, next time try to find a good boyfriend for you... when we the guys are exited the only thing that is going on of our mind is "*** *** ***..." maybe he only want to has sex with you MAYBE, find out is he really likes you, take care

Good Luck
2009-09-12 5:16 pm
i am the same way ,it takes time to think of yourself first ,to love yourself and you do i believe.What he is doing is testing the waters. He sei ing how much will you let him get away with unless he just wants to get in your pants. Set up boundaries.take baby steps. Like if you not comfortable let him no.If he respects you and treats like a lady and not a ho and is patient until you ready then he good.If not then drop him like a sack of potatoes. I been reading that book :
Why men love bitches and i met a great guy but before i met him i met a lot of guys who just wanted fun with me.
2009-09-12 5:15 pm
why is this guy makes you do stuff that he know you don't want? a normal guy can wait more than 3 dates if needed. I think he's a @sshole.

you're not a ****, but you should be more assertive, and don't agree doing stuff you don't want.
2009-09-12 5:07 pm
well. your not a **** but you seem easy to persuade you need to lay down the law no
please answer http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aucwx8Ybgy4lIjoNWfX1xM7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090912085432AArluoH
2009-09-12 5:02 pm
no you are not a **** lol
personally i like girls like you, take things slow and not throw yourself at guys lol

don't fb him, talk to him in person in a coffee shop or something
just tell him how you feel if he doesn't understand or ignores it.. find another guy lol
2009-09-12 5:02 pm
No its OK, your not a ****, it was pressure, just tell him you still have your v-card.

Now answer mine please, and pass it on! (I'm desperate)
2009-09-12 5:00 pm
uh yea dosent exactly make you a s l ut and at least your not like 12 but you need to learn how to stand up to guys and say no and mean it i wouldnt talk to him anymore until you think your mature enough for a relationship with him
2009-09-12 4:59 pm
no your not, your a mad prude if your thinking like this.
2009-09-12 4:59 pm
no sweety, your not a ****! but i think your "boyfriend" should have your heart at mind, and he should stop thinking with his ****! why is that boy pressureing you into doing things you arent ready for?!

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