Opium War (鴉片戰爭)的起源(英文)10點!!!

2009-09-13 3:30 am
我想要Opium War 的起源...

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2009-09-13 10:28 pm
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這些鴉片使中國白銀大量流失,銀貴錢賤,經濟衰退,又令人民身體不健康,於是清政府決定下令禁鴉片,凡是走私鴉片的,貨沒收, 人正法。
英國對於這種做法甚感不滿,後來英國人更在九龍尖沙咀殺了人, 清政府要求交出凶手,英國拒絕。中國決定與英斷絕貿易,雙方關係惡化,隨即引起鴉片戰爭。

2009-09-15 22:24:20 補充:
Introduction: The First Opium War was a trade-inspired war between the United Kingdom and the Qing Empire in China from 1839 to 1842. It is often seen as the beginning of European imperial hegemony towards China.

2009-09-15 22:26:24 補充:
The conflict began a long history of resentment toward Western society that still has remnants today.

Cause of the first Opium War :

2009-09-15 22:27:10 補充:
1. In the early 19th century, trading in goods from China was extremely lucrative for Europeans. But trade to China suffered from the fact that China professed no interest in foreign products, such that it was difficult to find trading goods the Chinese might buy.

2009-09-15 22:30:04 補充:
Silver was one, to the extent that the drain on European specie metals was noticeably affecting the economy. In casting about for other possible commodities, the British soon discovered opium,

2009-09-15 22:30:48 補充:
and would use its narcotic effects to full capitalist effect. Between 1821 and 1837 imports of the drug increased five-fold.

2. The Chinese government attempted to end this trade, on public health grounds --numerous opium addicts were appearing in trading ports throughout China.

2009-09-15 22:31:17 補充:
The effort was initially successful, with the official in charge of the effort Lin Zexu, eventually forcing the British Chief Superintendent of Trade in China, Charles Elliott to hand over all remaining stocks of opium for destruction in May 1839.

2009-09-15 22:31:51 補充:
3. However, the next month two British sailors murdered a Chinese man, and were arraigned under a British legalism called "extraterritoriality." The sailors were brought to justice in a British court in Canton (Guangzhou).

2009-09-15 22:32:13 補充:
The Chinese, however, demanded that the British hand the two men over to Chinese custody.
參考: ME

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