Disney channel-jonas可以在那看??

2009-09-12 8:55 pm

回答 (2)

2009-09-19 7:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
U can watch JONAS on Youtube. Here is the site--->


These video can be watched in HD (very good quality).
An episode is divided into 3 parts.
(u can find the others in the "related video" in the right hand side)

Here is the list of episodes:
1) Wrong Song 2) Groovy Movies 3) Slice Of Life 4) Keeping It Real
5) Band's Best Friend 6) Chasing The Dream 7) Fashion Victim 8) That Ding You Do
9) Complete Repeat 10) Love Sick 11) The Three Musketeers 12) Frantic Romantic
13) Detention 14) Karaoke Surprise 15) Home Not Alone 16) Forgetting Stella's Birthday

But only 1-14 can be found becoz 15, 16 have not been aired.

P.S. I have watched 1-14, it's hilarious. I am a BIG fan of the JB!!! :-)
*Love Sick is my favourite one!!!!*

Enjoy the show!!
參考: myself
2009-09-12 8:58 pm

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