主題: 性騒擾 (中譯英)

2009-09-12 2:01 pm
請翻譯以下句子, 謝謝:
一個男上司性騒擾女下屬, 相信係典型過案.
但係如果一個女上司性騒擾男下屬, 又會否受理嗎?

回答 (3)

2009-09-12 10:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sexual harrassment is believed to be typically involving a male supervisor harrassing a female subordinate. What if it is the other way round (female supervisor harrasses male subordinate)? Would there still be a case? Are there any precedents??
參考: just trying
2009-09-12 6:00 pm
一個男上司性騒擾女下屬, 相信係典型過案.
A male boss who becomes a sexual harasser to his female colleague, which is normal in most cases.

但係如果一個女上司性騒擾男下屬, 又會否受理嗎?
How about a female boss has sexual harassment to her male colleague, is it possible to have that kind of case in awareness in communities?

Any previous case could be for reference?
2009-09-12 3:29 pm
A man boss sexual harass to a woman vassal, it's belive that it is a typical case.
but if a woman boss sexual harass to a man vassal , is it still accept?
is there any previous case taken as example to help?
參考: me

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