guys and girls may answer: 2 girls for $1,000 should i do it?

2009-09-12 2:24 am
The last time i was at a strip club a dancer offered me to plan a time to go to get a hotel room with her and her friend(also a girl, another dancer) to have a 3 some. so should i save my money and do it. i'm 31 and a Virgin

Guys: would you do it if you were a virgin?

by the way these strippers aren't dirty and nasty looking. its a classy place. i'm sure that the place wouldn't hire women with any desases.

回答 (14)

2009-09-12 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I rather die a virgin then to PAY nasty hookers to take my virginity away. DONT DO IT! YOU WILL REGRET IT!
you seem like a nice sweet guy so dont.
2009-09-12 2:29 am
How pathetic you must be really stupid to lose your virginity to a bunch of strippers who do it with tons of men and girls too I bet. Save and go find a girlfriend, get married, and get a life!!
Good Luck :-)
2009-09-12 2:29 am
most strippers are dirty lol and 1000? lol well you are a virgin go for it lol
2009-09-12 2:28 am
if you want LOL
not many guys can get 2 girls ;) it's alot of guys' fantasy
2009-09-14 10:19 pm
dont do it - have more respect for yourself than that. any bi*ch thats willing to sell her pus*y aint worth it.
2009-09-12 2:49 am
If you have pay for pu**y than it is not worth it I don't care who they are they don't have a $500.00 pu**y. What there asking you to do is just plain old prostitution. There many girls out their who you can do for free and they love taking your cherry and for free
2009-09-12 2:32 am
I have a feeling you'll get ******, just not in the way you think... Find yourself a nice woman, who will appreciate you- don't lose it to a couple of sleazy whores.
2009-09-12 2:30 am
...well right im not going to mention the virgin thing, but if what you want is sex go grab a hooker on a street corner man cheap crack whores. but as a teenager who now has an active relationship, its better with someone yo ucare about,but damn a thousand bucks...try to negotiate that a bit dude
2009-09-12 2:30 am
I have money to blow, but I don't know if that's such a great idea...
2009-09-12 2:29 am
hell nah..

u want ghonerria the first time u have sex..

go for it...just wear plenty of latex....and make sure they shower first..

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