Do you look for love or does it find you?

2009-09-12 1:38 am
It seems like such an understatement, don't look for love it finds you out of the blue, I'm 19 and every chick hasn't worked out for me I feel like theres no point in finding a good female these days. I've done it all I've spit good game, I've dress good smell good stay groomed everything be good but not too good I don't know I just can't find a relationship, and thats what I want most no homo.

回答 (10)

2009-09-12 1:45 am
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Your young. Don't worry too much about finding "love". It will find you one day, just be patient.

Good luck!
2009-09-12 1:44 am
If you spend too much time looking for love, you might just miss out on life. A lot.

Love definitely finds you, but that doesn't mean just sitting home eating candy bars homing the UPS person has a 'package' for you. :)
2009-09-12 1:43 am
It finds you. Just wait.
2009-09-12 1:42 am
its sort of both. it just sorta happens. you will be looking but maybe in unexpected places. maybe these girls you have been with just arent right for you. im sure if you just open your eyes, you'll find a great girl, they're everywhere. try it
2009-09-12 1:42 am
seems liek you cna get chicks easily lol
in that case just go have fun
still young.. let it find you
2009-09-12 1:46 am
You're just not looking in the right places. If you believe in soul mates then love will find you but you have to be willing to accept it with open arms. If you are finding it very hard just try going out with women who you wouldn't ordinarily go out with make an adventure out of it and have some fun.

I really need your help please answer;_ylt=Anaqo8xtCj8lsnpTn6F7Anrsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090911170240AAStaUU
2009-09-12 1:46 am
a little bit of both, if you don't go looking for love, you wont find it, but if you randomly find someone, its fate, and at least you wont have to give up hope. don't give up, keep trying:)
2009-09-12 1:42 am
love found me i guess....i mean, im only 14, but i DO know what love is. my bf and i have been together for 7 months. we were friends for over 2 YEARS b4 we ever started dating. then one day he called me and said he needed to see me. so the next saturday i went to his house and he said that he cant sleep, he cant think, he's almost failing, cause he just realized that hes in love with me.
2009-09-12 1:42 am
it come by luck any time
2009-09-12 1:41 am
eh, 19 - too young to worry about true and lasting love. Just date, have fun, and - yeah - love will find you eventually.

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