Do you think he might like me..?

2009-09-12 1:28 am
Okay first of all, we knew each other 2years ago and we dont get along and we dont talk to each other a lot, we rarely do. Anyways we use to play maplestory together, but he never allows to give his account to any of his friends, exept his brothers and like yea.. he barley said hi to me for the past years, exept couple weeks ago i had a question on something and i asked him about it and whenever we talk to each other it was very awkward.. and also, later on while we were talking, he told me he was sick, and i was like go to the doctor but he wouldnt listen to me so i told him ima stalk him home and drag him to the doctor one day and he said fine, and i was like ok. We never got along together, he use to think of me as a weird *** person, and always try to advoid me, so i never talk to him exept yea yea couple weeks ago-.-; ((btw i never LIKED HIM back then.)) anyways later on, as days passed by, i had a dream of him taking to many pills and wanted more drugs and turned so frekain' crazyyyyy and despreate for more druggs so he ended up dead in my dream.. i dont know why but right after that dream, i fell for him alittle, soon after when i told him about going to the doctor and the dream, he was all weird to me and told everyone and said ohhh wow ___ <3!!!! [ he never did that to me beforeO__o;] and like later on, he starts to pop up outta nowhere in school and say hi, and sometimes we talked on aim, and soon he gave me his maplestory account since he quited O__O;

What im trying to say is that, does he like me? Or is he acting this way because he thinks i like him, even tho i only like him like 5%.. LOL.. Anyways soo? Plus 1 Thumbs up whoever helps me ((:
And im sorry i type to muchT__T everyone says i have typeing issues.. anyways thanks! for reading and helping!

回答 (11)

2009-09-12 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, I took my time to read this through because I too, write a lot.

Anyway, I wouldn't say he likes you, but you should wait for some more signs. It could be a possibility. The more you know him, the better he will know you, and that bring even more signs.

BUT one thing to ABSOLUTELY NOT do is when your on the border line of being friends or good friends (I.e., Best friend.) don't admit you like him. It will ruin everything. And dating your best friend could be awkward.

But that could be the past. But you should wait for more signs, see if he talks to you more. And don't worry, if he makes fun of you in front of his friends, he's trying to be cool and doesn't mean it at all. :]
2009-09-12 8:34 am
in order to see if he likes you he will flirt wity you and give you complements on how good you look or you should start a converstation and see were it ends or go to the movies and hang out answer me do you belive in love at first sight
2009-09-12 8:46 am
you don't have typing issues and he might like you a lot
2009-09-12 8:41 am
lol oh my thats hella long but hmm in my opinion i would say.........yep seems as if he went from bein a semi *** (which is typical for guys i suppose) into being more sweet'ish givin you his account i mean even though he quit most people stillkeep theirs secret and poppin up sayin hi hmm maybe he is somewhat like you and is developin a lil feelins for you buttttt you never know until you ask so go for it and do tell what happens
參考: imma dude i know these things <3
2009-09-12 8:38 am
lots of details, it helps, no dont think he likes you, i think hes just deciding to be your friend instead of just a game buddy, im sorry, it doesnt even look like he likes you at all,

and btw you liek him more than just 5% or else you wouldnt be asking anyone
2009-09-12 8:36 am
maybe a crush
but does it matter? you dont even liek him that much LOL
2009-09-12 8:36 am
I think right now, hes about on the border line. Hes probably opening up more, but, at the same time is hiding away some secrets. If you constantly annoy him then he'll fall towards the "no" side. Flirt a bit but dont go OVERBOARD. You know? Be persistance like ask if he wants to do homework, or like go to town, stuff like that.
2009-09-12 8:35 am
he may like you:) maybe he had for a while, but just acted mean towards you to hide it. so when you told him about the doctor and all- or maybe he just noticed you were talking to him more- he saw a chance to finally act more friendly.
i think he may like you:)
2009-09-12 8:34 am
to long to read srry
2009-09-12 8:32 am

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