Can signal from the router transfer to the homeplug that connects to the computer through a glass?

2009-09-11 5:16 pm
Can signal from the router transfer to the homeplug that connects to the computer through a glass?

Also, can signal from the router transfer to the homeplug that connects to the computer through a wall?

回答 (3)

2009-09-11 5:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You're not making any sense, reword the question.
2009-09-13 3:06 am
No, I do not think so. Look at it this way even while you are talking on the cell you can walk pass a wall and lose your signal I think this will happen with the glass or wall
參考: logic
2009-09-12 3:53 am
I presume it's possible.

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