physcis mechanics

2009-09-12 6:28 am
唔識做呀~有冇幫幫我? show me the steps plssssssssss

1. An object of mass 0.5 kg is pressed against a smooth wall (does not touch the floor) with a 15-N force. The force is inclined at 30 degree. Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the object.

2. Tom gives a sudden push to his tory car of mass 50g. The car runs on the rough floor at an initial velocity of 2ms-1 and stops after travelling for a distance of 4m. Find the average frictional force acting on the car.

Thank you!!!

回答 (1)

2009-09-12 6:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The force should incline upward.

By Newton's 2nd law of motion

Fsin@ - mg = ma

15sin30* - (0.5)(10) = 0.5a

Acceleration, a = 5 ms-2

2. By equation of motion,

v2 = u2 + 2as

0 = (2)2 + 2a(4)

Acceleration, a = -0.5 ms-2

By Newton's 2nd law of motion,

f = ma

Frictional force, f = (0.05)(0.5) = 0.025 N

參考: Physics king

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