
2009-09-12 2:15 am

回答 (4)

2009-09-12 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Tsunami = Since the financial tsunami crisis hit the world few months ago, the news of closure of companies pass by us daily. 金融海嘯來臨後,公司倒閉與財困的消息每日不絕於耳。

2. Fooding = The flooding warning signal was issued by Hong Kong Observatory and predicted the bad weather will be continued until mid-night tonight. 天文台發出山洪警告,預料惡劣天氣會持續直至午夜十二時。

3. Rainstorm = The rainstorm warning system is designed to alert the public about the occurrence of heavy rain。暴雨警告系統旨在及早提醒市民暴雨將至。

2009-09-14 10:49:07 補充:

If I were you 001, I will rewrite the sentences like these :

1. After the occurrence of finincal tsunami, lots of Hong Kong citizens have lost their money.

2. Always = 100% but Sheung Wan 是不是當rainstorm 就一定flooding 呢?

2009-09-14 10:49:34 補充:
3. 用 If 好過用When,用is issued 過用comes,
If a rainstorm warning signal is issued, citizens are advised to stay home and shelter.

第三句舉一例子給你,我們常常在升降機內看到一句,When there is a fire pls do not use the lift. 其實這句文法上是錯的,不能用 When there is a fire、、、、須改為 If there is a fire.......

2009-09-14 10:49:47 補充:
其實在坊間的公眾地方很多時亦會發覺到一些文法錯誤的句子,最普遍的算是這句了:We apology for the inconvenience caused. 一般以英語為母語的西方人,一看到這句都會笑了出來的。

2009-09-14 11:09:19 補充:
最普遍的算是這句了:We apology for any inconvenience caused. 一般以英語為母語的西方人,一看到這句都會笑了出來的。
2009-09-14 8:37 am
2009-09-12 6:59 am
After the tsunami,many people lost their homes.

The terrible flooding submerge many people.

Many little children were afraid of the rainstorm.
參考: me
2009-09-12 2:26 am
1.After the finincal tsunami, many citizens in HK lose many money.

2.Sheung Wan is a place where flooding always seriously occurs.

3.When a rainstorm comes, we should stay indoor and avoid going out.
參考: my english knowledge

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