主題: 打消念頭 (中譯英)

2009-09-11 7:08 am
請翻譯以下句子, 謝謝:
不經不覺, 我跟家人住在這裏已經好幾年, 單位的牆紙已經開始剝落,
可能因為這區的空氣比較潮濕. 我原本打算裝修一下間屋.
不過太太又話想去旅行, 我想我都係要暫時打消裝修這念頭啦!

回答 (5)

2009-09-11 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Before I know it, I have been living here with my family for a few years. The wallpaper of the unit is now peeling off, probably due to the relatively humid enivironment of the district. I thought about renovating it a bit but then my wife would like to go on a trip instead. I guess I'll have to shelf the idea of renovation for the time being.

2009-09-11 21:30:54 補充:
To alaslee80 : 過獎... 我受之有愧.
參考: just trying
2009-09-12 4:17 am
貓貓可愛份子's English is very good!
2009-09-11 9:08 pm
Time flies, I have been living here with my family for a few years. Recently, I found that the wall papers in my flat have been gradually peeled off. Perhaps, the humidity in this area is always keeping in high degree.
Originally, I planned to spend some money to renovate the flat but my wife suggested that she prefer to spend the money for a trip rather than spending the money in the renovation. Well! I am afraid I had to call off my renovation plan.
參考: Myself
2009-09-11 12:06 pm
I live with my family in this current home for a few years without my realization. The wall paper had started to peel off. It might be due to the fact that the weather is more humid in this district. Originally I planned to remodel the house, but I cancelled this idea temporarily as my wife wants to go travelling.
2009-09-11 7:35 am
Before I ever notice that, my family and I have lived here for years. The wall paper in the apartment has already started peeling off, probably because of the humid air in this region. I was thinking to renovate the apartment but my wife wanted a vacation. I think I have to forget about the renovation, at least for a while.

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