Alliteration&Rhyming Sentences
1. Create an alliteration for each number below.
(a) Write an alliteration using 'Rainbow'.
(b) Write an alliteraion using 'Sandy'.
(c) Write an alliteration using 'Miss Mak'.
(d) Write an alliteration about 'school'.
(e) Write one alliteration about lunchtime.
2a.Rhyming 'Pig' Words
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
2b.Create a sentences about 'Pig'.
3a.Rhyming 'Snake' Words
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
3b.Create a sentences about 'Snake'.
That's all.
Can anyone help me?
I 'm really don't know how to do!
Create a sentences about 'XXXXX'.
There must be 3 sentences of one question.