
2009-09-11 3:16 am
而呢個diary既題目係新的一頁,姐係a new page
但係老師話作錯d grammer要留堂...

回答 (2)

2009-09-27 6:24 am
咁你有冇留堂呀!? ....
2009-09-14 8:04 am
1 September, 2009 Sunny

After the summer holiday, I should go to school. And this is my first day (to, 要加多個to係呢度) go to school. It's(It就OK啦, 不用 's ) looks different.

My new class is (你果班). And my new class-teacher is (你班主任 ). I am glad that they are my new page.

2009-09-14 00:05:21 補充:
Today I feel very joyful, ( . <---應該用Fullstop, 句號, 沒有連接詞不可以用逗號) I meet my old friend ,but also I find some new friend, (. 句號啊呀!!)they are also in my new class.

2009-09-14 00:05:40 補充:
They named (用named好似怪怪地, 最好用are。 不過, 一定要用的話, 就不要加"d"因為是現在式) (你D新朋友既英文名..) They are all very nice and talkative (like me可以刪除掉)-- like me.

2009-09-14 00:05:46 補充:
I think my new friend(你之前用"they are", 所以表示你有不只一個的新朋友, 那麼這裡就要加"s"在"friend"之後) and I will be best friend(加"s",唔該) , because we have (the, 這裡要加"the"因為後面的idol 是單數, 所以唔可以一個字用, 前面要加"a" 或者 "the"來表示)same idol and same hobbies!

2009-09-14 00:08:51 補充:
Today is a really happy day,(. 句號啊!!!) I am willing to be good in all subjects. I want to be more powerful. I think if I really do it, I will be happy and my parents will be happy too.

2009-09-14 00:08:57 補充:
So(Therefore, "So"通常都不會放在前面, 要放就放"Therefore," 記得加逗號) I am trying my best. This new page just give me a big chance,(. 句號……)I can't miss it.

2009-09-14 00:10:51 補充:

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