Do you like to blackmail people emotionally?

2009-09-09 11:27 am

No TD's from my side.

回答 (20)

2009-09-09 11:53 am
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I love to write my mails in black ink, so i suppose i love blackmailing them. does that make me a bad person in any way??
2009-09-09 11:47 am
No, I don't like it, and I don't think I'll be able to do that.

But I don't mind being the victim of a bit of emotional blackmailing (but not a vicious one, one that is borne more out of love and affection)
2009-09-09 11:32 am
No, but sometimes I've found myself doing it unconsciously and only realise it later. And then I feel so awful!
2009-09-09 4:19 pm
2009-09-09 3:27 pm
Yes with u.
But most of time im serious
2009-09-09 12:18 pm
As I don't expect anything from anyone, I don't play mental games. I have not blackmail anyone emotinally even once.
2009-09-09 11:32 am
People who enjoy putting fear into others are classified as Narcissistic Psychopaths.

Murderers are also classified in that category. Although they do completely different things they both thrive on envoking pain.
2009-09-09 6:51 pm
As far as I know, I haven't done that. But that is only with the people I'm close with (duh). I used to blackmail my sister a lot! She never cares which is the biggest problem
2009-09-09 11:38 am
nope !!! blackmailing people emotionally is a sin ...LOL
2009-09-10 1:37 pm

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