英文翻譯 不要隨便翻

2009-09-10 4:02 am
不要用網上翻譯的!! thanks

St.Lawrence Church is just five minutes' walk form my school. It is a beautiful neo-classical church built by the Jesuits before 1560 and it is one of the three oldest churches of Macau. It is located right behind the Macau Government Headquarters,which is the official office of the Chief Executive of Macau .

St.Lawrence Church is said to be the patron saint of sailors ,so the church has been given another name as Feng Shun Tang, which means Hall of the Soothing Winds. In the past, most Portuguese were sailors and it was a custom for their families to pray on the front steps of the church for their safe return.

回答 (5)

2009-09-11 2:22 am



2009-11-05 15:07:08 補充:
worth shit
參考: hkslot
2009-09-10 6:21 pm
1. 譯名是: 聖老楞佐教堂, 不是聖勞倫斯

2. PATRON SAINT 譯為守護聖人 比 守護天使準確
2009-09-10 9:00 am
trytry :)

由我校步行至聖羅倫斯教堂, 只需五分鐘. 它是所新古典派教堂, 早於一五六零年前, 由耶穌會興建, 為澳門三所最古老的教堂之一. 位處於澳門政府總部, 亦即澳門行政長官的辦公室後方.

聖羅倫斯教堂可說是水手的守護天使, 教堂因而又名風順堂, 也就是吹著緩和風的教堂. 昔日, 大部分葡萄牙人都是水手, 他們的家人依習俗在教堂前祈禱, 盼望他們平安歸來.
2009-09-10 5:33 am
St.Lawrence Church is just five minutes' walk form my school.聖羅倫斯教堂距離我的學校,只有五分鐘的行程。
It is a beautiful neo-classical church built by the Jesuits before 1560 and it is one of the three oldest churches of Macau. 它是一座美麗的新古典教堂,在 1560年之前,由耶穌會成員建成,亦是澳門三座最古老的教堂的其中之一座。
It is located right behind the Macau Government Headquarters,which is the official office of the Chief Executive of Macau .它正位於澳門政府總部,即澳門行政長官辦公室的後面。

St.Lawrence Church is said to be the patron saint of sailors ,聖羅倫斯教堂被譽為海員的守護神,
so the church has been given another name as Feng Shun Tang, which means Hall of the Soothing Winds.所以,它曾被冠以『風順廳』的別名,意思是『順風的大廳 』。
In the past, most Portuguese were sailors and it was a custom for their families to pray on the front steps of the church for their safe return.以前,大部份的葡萄牙人是海員,而他們的家人在教堂的門前階梯,為他們平安回歸而禱告,是個傳統。

2009-09-13 20:05:24 補充:
susanlau (知識長)給的意見是正確的,我譯錯了,謹此致歉!
2009-09-10 4:38 am


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