
2009-09-09 7:31 pm
大家好...我依家係美國用緊F-1 Visa讀緊大學. 我阿伯同伯娘係美國既公民...佢地有意收養我做仔(因為我老豆過左身)...而我今年21歲 (88年出生)...請問我可以可以申請到做美國公民?使唔使等好耐?(因為我聽朋友講如果要收養嫁話要我係21歲之前),申請時會有咩困難? 請大家既回答盡量詳細少少.....thanks.

回答 (4)

2009-09-09 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
大家好...我依家係美國用緊F-1 Visa讀緊大學. 我阿伯同伯娘係美國既公民...佢地有意收養我做仔(因為我老豆過左身)...而我今年21歲 (88年出生)...請問我可以可以申請到做美國公民?
BIG NO......there are several very deadly mistake if you go ahead and do stuff like this
1.) PRIVATE ADOPTION IS ILLEGAL in the US, you cannot secure a private adoption under private agreement in the US, all adoption must go though (Department of) children services of your respective state. It is a federal crime to arrange private adoption. It can be punishable by jail term to both party.
2.) A person is 21 or above cannot be adopted under any circumstance. You are an legal adult in legal ages. You cannot be adopted by anyone.
Even if you are under 21, there are a lengthy procedure in US to adopt someone, and the selection by children service is kind of hard (They tend to make sure adoptive children would be moving in a good home)
You can transfer your guardianship tho, if you are under 21, but being a legal guardian does not mean you would become their son, usually adoption will fail if the child in question have either parent still alive.
參考: My friend is a lawyer in US, and i am US Citizens
2009-09-10 2:54 pm
you have NO case to make any satute change.
if it is possible, i believe thousands students already lived in USA after they land.
do your uncle own any business? then may help after you finished school.
參考: live in US over 30 yrs.
2009-09-10 11:20 am
no, you cannot

2009-09-10 03:32:17 補充:
do not depend 阿伯同伯娘
step by step:
Legally to stay in US first
(1) maintain full time student status
(2) apply practical training after graduation (can stay 1 year)
Apply green card
(1) find a boss to apply green card for you after graduation. or
(2) get married to a citizen legally
2009-09-09 9:46 pm
Make it simple.

You are overage (18 is the maximum).

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