
2009-09-09 8:15 am
Student Orientation has a growing importance in helping new students adapt to university education. Well designed and implemented orientation activities can lead to better retention rate, academic achievement, and personal development of students.

Most of the academic departments and leaning support offices have been making new initiatives and putting extra efforts to better orientate new students in the past years. These initiatives have positive impacts on helping students’ transition from secondary to university education.

To advance the support to new students, Student Development Services has been vigorously searching effective ways to enhance the orientation activities of the university. One initiative for the academic year 2009/10 is the proposal of an orientation activity, entitled University Success Seminar.

The seminar aims to enhance students’ learning capacity by ascertaining their educational goals and mastering important academic, personal, career management skills. Students are expected to be able to manage their total educational experience through purposeful and self-directed development plan after the seminar.

Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of the seminar, students are expected to be able to
•Identify and reflect on their educational goals
•Describe the key concepts on learning at university, personal development, and career management
•Produce and implement a development/engagement plan for themselves

回答 (1)

2009-09-12 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
I can give u a website
and check it myself!

2009-09-15 12:28:01 補充:
It should be "yourself" not "myself"

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