Have you ever wanted to know what one of your contacts looks like?

2009-09-09 4:25 am

回答 (28)

2009-09-09 4:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
im brown

2009-09-09 11:33 am
Yes. There is one I am interested in knowing what she looks like.
2009-09-10 12:58 am
Yep, all of them!
About half of them I know what they look like though.
2009-09-10 8:54 pm
Yes, I wanted to have a look at lot of my contacts.
2009-09-10 3:18 am
Yes, everyone. If I had a digital camera I'd post my picture. So I hope that others who do would do likewise.
2009-09-10 12:52 am
Totally! I've only seen what one of them looks like, but as far as the others go, I pretty much assume they look like their avatars. In my mind, Hawkeye looks like Alan Alda, Venkman is a cartoon version of Edward Scissorhands, and Gypsy is a very pretty horse.
2009-09-10 12:46 am
I seen a couple
2009-09-10 12:39 am
Actually I know what most of mine look like. But the others...I just imagine what they look like : D

And all mine know what I look like....a dork

2009-09-09 5:21 pm
I'd like to know what all of them look like that have avatars
2009-09-09 11:32 am
Yeah, only with one really, but I found out eventually.
2009-09-10 12:59 am
Only ones Im really curious is Joker, HAWK and Chacha. For the longest time I wondered about WIL.
參考: WIL is freaking HOT by the way.

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