What is one name that no one should ever call you?

2009-09-08 9:22 pm

回答 (26)

2009-09-11 4:22 am
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big bird
2009-09-09 4:27 am
Nobody should call me Randall or they get kicked with Mr.Foot :D and my name Brandon sounds like Randall alittle bit :O
參考: then people would get me confused with Randall Simon (baseball player)
2009-09-09 4:27 am
2009-09-09 12:44 pm
my name is Ramona..Mona..to my daddy Monalisa
I hate it being called MO. my husband gets away with this.sometimes.. but noone else.
2009-09-10 12:49 pm
Mike Litoris
2009-09-09 4:26 am
2009-09-09 1:52 pm
2009-09-09 6:54 am
The dreaded "C" word. I can handle being called a b---h, I am one most days. Call me a s--t, that don't bother me. You can call me a w---e & I'll laugh @ you - I haven't gotten PAID for being laid, ever!! LOL

But do not, under any circumstances, call me a c--t. You can refer to my kitty as one, but do NOT call me one.
參考: *edit* hmmmm - I did not read the Q right @ all, did I, MM? Well then - Susie. Only my mom calls me Susie, and one guy a long time ago that is best forgotten.
2009-09-10 8:52 pm
2009-09-09 8:03 pm
I agree with Ms Kitty, I hate the C word. It usually pushes me into a full blown Redhead-Irish-German smackdown attitude. No apologies and no prisoners.

Don't call me Kathy, I've never liked that name at all. Too many bad Kathy-s in my past. Also Ginger is not appreciated and Red is only for good friends. Only my husband calls me Kitty. :)

Yes I know that's more than one, but I'm feeling wordy today. lol
參考: Mrs. Ntharotep Dragon... met on Y!A, met in person, fell in love, moved in together and married 9/5/09.

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