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這詩因為鹿鼎記第一回的引用而廣為讀者認識. 為何要譯做英文呢? 而且只是譯一部份??
鹿鼎記第一回寫道, 呂留良看了名士查土標的一幅山水畫, 但見只有"如此江山"四字的題款, 悟到其實作者畫這宏偉山水圖, 是想用來表達大好江山被敵人佔領的憤恨. 於是呂留良寫了一首詩同表達同樣的情懷, 你引述的一段, 是引用了宋室被金/元所滅的史事, 作為古今對照.
When I look at the picture speaking of the great beauty of our motherland,
my rage soars as I know she is occupied by enemies, like what happened in Song Dynasty
When I look at the picture celebrating the great beauiy of our motherland,
my heart aches as I know our emporer was banished, like hundred of years ago when the Mongols invaded.
As I now undertand what the the artist has to say in his work,
I cannot hold back my tears.
Time is different, but the shame is same.
Not a word is uttered, as if all of us are gagged.