why metal is shiny ??

2009-09-07 7:17 pm
explanation from the book:

the delocalised electrons are in energy levels that are close together,
so that they can abosrb radiation of all frequencies,
most of which being emitted immediately.

1.why the delocalised electrons
are in energy levels that are close together...???

2.although electron's energy level is close together .
why they absorb energy in all frequencies....??

回答 (1)

2009-09-09 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
I donot know why you use the delocalised electron to explain the shining of the metal . One other physical property of metal is to conduct electricity which is mainly from the delocolized electrons of metal . How about diamond which is a non-metal but has high lustre . To my understanding when light shines on a surface which reflects most light out that is a shining surface ! So the metallic bonds hold each other so tightly that light cannot penetrate through but rather reflect back making all metals shine .

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