difference between some IPA

2009-09-07 9:09 am
ð vs θ?

how to pronounce?

Can you give me some web site for IPA pronunication?


edwardtwilightbella : I am asking about the difference between the above 2 IPA characters, not the meaning of VERSUS~

回答 (2)

2009-09-16 10:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
是voiced consonant,
讀的時候, 舌頭貼著門牙, 口部重力噴氣, 有vibration震動.
bathe /bei/

θ是voiceless consonant.
讀的時候, 舌頭貼著門牙, 口部輕力噴氣, 沒有vibration震動.
thin /θin/
thick /θik/

理論上, 兩個consonants有以上voiced同voiceless的分別,
但實際上, 這兩個音對於香港人來說好像沒什麼分別,

可參考國際語音學會的sound clip
English Consonants
參考: 我自己
2009-09-07 9:39 am
1 (WRITTEN ABBREVIATION v or vs) used to say that one team or person is competing against another:
Tomorrow's game is Newcastle versus Arsenal.

2 (WRITTEN ABBREVIATION v or vs) used in legal cases to show who a person is fighting against:
Abortion was legalized nationally in the United States following the Roe versus Wade case.

3 used to compare two things or ideas, especially when you have to choose between them:
private education versus state education

Type in a word and the computer will pronunce it. Make sure your speaker is on!
參考: cambridge dictionary

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