Can electromagnetic field cause humans' hallucinations?

2009-09-06 11:25 am
Can electromagnetic field cause humans' hallucinations?

回答 (4)

2009-09-06 12:37 pm
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Yes they can also magnetic fields can have a similar affect, our brains are made up of various chemicals plus electricity.
Such things like electromagnetic forces can produce chemical reactions and cause hallucinations.

Some of the so called most haunted locations are found on fault lines in the Earth where such fields are present naturally, coincidence ?
2009-09-06 12:49 pm
every time i pass through magnetic strip detectors i see store security chasing me!
2009-09-06 11:34 am
If the EM field is strong enough.
2016-05-19 4:17 pm
Such things as spirits and ghosts exist more inside our minds than outside. So many stories have been told right from our childhood that we tend to believe in such things. They are often said to appear at night and disappear before the cock crows. How comes then that any one had seen it in day time near HT wires where electromagnetic fields are high? High voltage might cause a disturbance in the air around which might cause the wavy medium and result in strange refractions, making us see weird things. I mean something of the effect of mirages. That is all.

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