What number is 50 more than 108 divided by 9?

2009-09-06 9:05 am
I'm having trouble with my homework...

回答 (8)

2009-09-06 10:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
= 108/9 + 50
= 12 + 50
= 62

Answer: 62 is the number.
2009-09-06 4:11 pm
This problem is kind of ambiguous, because there are two different ways you could read it. It could mean "50 more than 108, and then that result divided by 9", or it could mean "50 more than the following: 108 divided by 9". It's hard to say which exactly they mean.

In the first case you have (50+108)/9, and in the second case you have 50+(108/9).
2009-09-06 8:05 pm
2009-09-06 5:58 pm
50 + 108 ÷ 9
= 50 + 12
= 62
2009-09-06 4:44 pm
50 + 12 = 62
2009-09-06 4:12 pm
2009-09-06 4:10 pm
108 divided by 9 is 12
So 50 more than 12 is 62
2009-09-06 4:10 pm
what is 50 more than 12

12+50 = 62

so the answer is 62

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