
2009-09-07 5:14 am
today is very special day,my best friend visited me from china,she was my classmate when i studied in university,although we seldom met each other,we connect by e-mail once a month at last.

my name is Mary,i think my name remember easily,i work here over 1 year,my position is cleck.


回答 (2)

2009-09-07 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
What a special day today! A good friend of mine came all the way from China to pay me a visit. She was my ex-classmate from my old univeristy.
Although we seldom meet each other, we try to write each other an e-mail at least once a month.
Mary is my name, which is easy for everyone to remember.
I've been working as a clerk here for over one year.
my best friend visited me from china,she was my classmate when i studied in university<--- Your sentences
You should learn how to link up your sentences.
My best friend visited me from China. <---This is a complete sentence.
She was my classmate when I studied at the university of xxxx.<--The other complete sentence.
,although we seldom met each other,we connect by e-mail once a month at last.
Although we seldom meet each other, we communicate with each other
by email at least once a month.<----

i think my name remember easily
My name <---- Since "my name" is not human, it cannot remember anything easily.
i work here over 1 year,my position is cleck. <-- two complete sentences here!
We cannot connect two complete sentences with a comma.
I work here over 1 year.<------Wrong tense ( the first complete sentence)
( You should use present perfect continuous(progressive) tense.)
My position is a CLERK. <--- a clumsy sentence
I have been working as a clerk here...........<---( much better)
"clerk" is a countable noun.

2009-09-11 02:35:02 補充:
I've been working as a clerk here for over one year.<---This is my sentence!

過客 ( 碩士級 2 級 )

I've been working as a clerk here..............<----See the dots here, please!
2009-09-07 6:15 am
Today is a very special day, one of my friends who visited me from China. She was one of my classmates when I studied in University. Ahthough we don't often see each other, we usually communicate through e-mail at least once a month.
My name is Mary, easy to remember is the main reason to choose this name. I have been working here more than a year and my position is a clerk.

2009-09-08 01:07:15 補充:
如果閣下咁改寫:My position is a CLERK. <--- a clumsy sentence

I have been working as a clerk here...........<---( much better)

"clerk" is a countable noun.

我覺得閣下重 Clumsy 咗,人哋話做咗超過一年,這一句的意思在那裡去了?
參考: Myself

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