電子機票訂座艙位代號S, V, L分別代表什麼?

2009-09-06 8:50 pm
電子機票訂座艙位代號S, V, L分別代表什麼?

回答 (2)

2009-09-07 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Economy class codes

Full fare: Y, B
Standard fare: M, H, N
Special or discount fares: G, K, L, O, Q, S, T, U, V, W, X
On most airlines, unrestricted economy ticket is booked as a Y fare. Full fare tickets with restrictions on travel dates, refunds, or advance reservations are commonly classed as B, H, or M, although some airlines may use S, W, or others. Heavily discounted fares, commonly O, T, Q or W, will not permit cabin upgrades, refunds, or reservation changes, may restrict frequent flyer programt eligibility, and/or impose other restrictions. Other fare codes such as X are restricted for use by consolidators, group charters, or travel industry professionals. However on some airlines W or X is used for frequent flier program award redemptions.
Most low-cost carriers have greatly simplified the fare classes they use to a handful of cases, unlike the dozens employed by a traditional airline. While some traditional carriers have followed, others continue to utilise price discrimination over commoditisation.
The codes in short:

B = Economy/Coach
E = Economy/Coach Discounted
G = Economy/Coach Discounted
H = Economy/Coach Discounted
K = Economy/Coach Discounted
L = Economy/Coach Discounted
M = Economy/Coach Discounted
N = Economy/Coach Discounted
O = Economy/Coach Discounted
Q = Economy/Coach Discounted
S = Economy/Coach; On some airlines it can also stand for 'Super Comfort' (Premium Economy)
T = Economy/Coach Discounted, or Premium
U = Economy/Coach Discounted
V = Economy/Coach Discounted
W = Economy/Coach Discounted, or Premium, or award
X = Economy/Coach Award
Y = Economy/Coach
2009-09-09 8:57 pm
經濟客位提升至商務客位獎勵則只適用於「子艙位」 Y、B、H及K。
以國泰為例.S class應是平價的團體票,無飛行里數.Y'B'H'K class,出發或回程,在起飛前一天更改日期是不收費用(最少可免費改2次)

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