英文問題 have never been

2009-09-05 5:55 pm
I have never been so surprised as to what would happen.

have never been 在這裡have和been分開都叫現在完成式嗎?
to 又有啥意思?
so xx as 後面唔係多數接名詞嗎 咁what would happen又有啥意思?
請幫忙翻譯全句 謝謝

回答 (2)

2009-09-05 11:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have never been so surprised as to what would happen.

have ( never=adverb副詞) been( the past participle of"be"=be的過去分詞)
What is present perfect tense?
He/She/It + has + (adverb) +past participle
They/we/you/I + have +( adverb) past participle

He has never(adverb) been(past participle) to Japan. <--------------negative
He has been(past participle) to Japan twice. <---- positive
has = 曾經
He has finished(past participle) his homework.
They have already(adverb) finished(past participle) their work.
They have finished(past participle) their work.
"already" is optional here.

have/has = 已經/ 曾經 finished=完成 了
so xx as 後面唔係多數接名詞嗎
Ans: No
咁what would happen又有啥意思?
Ans: 有什麼將會發生
"as to" is used as a preposition in the sentence.
"as to" = "With regard to" = 和 XXXX= What would happen 有聯繫
as to

With regard to: We are puzzled as to how it happened.
According to: candidates who were chosen as to ability.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/as+to for your reference
I have never been so surprised as to what would happen.
=對於將會發生的事情, 我是從不((感到))(多麼=so)驚訝的。

2009-09-05 15:40:30 補充:
I have never been so surprised<---- Present perfect tense

have +never(adverb) +past participle
2009-09-05 6:44 pm
I have never been so surprised as to what would happen.
答: 對將會發生的事情, 我從未如此驚訝。

have never been 在這裡have和been分開都叫現在完成式嗎?
答: 對, 這個都係現在完成式, 只是在中間加多個字去說明"從未"。

to 又有啥意思?
答: 'to'係前置詞, 解作 : 趨向(什麼會發生)

so xx as 後面唔係多數接名詞嗎 ?
答: 你講的"多數接名詞", 又係好多人的死記方式, 將你自己的作品用格式定咗佢。我覺得應在你想寫什麼才是重要, 格式係可以變化, 只要文法上合理。

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