我係HK人 去台灣要攪咩証

2009-09-05 8:27 am
我係HK人 想去台灣玩 我有身份証 咁仲有攪咩証 洗唔洗攪回香証 同特區護照 仲有上網可攪嗎 THX

回答 (3)

2009-09-06 1:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Name:臨時入境停留通知單/入臺證/Taiwan visa
The following is for the people who was born in HK:
You must have a valid passport: BNO or SAR+ HKID card.
(A)(網上申請台證, 金鐘取簽證)
在網址 https://nas.immigration.gov.tw/ ,填上一些基本資料,如護照號碼、姓名等,幾秒便知結果。成功的話會得到一個核准代碼,憑此號碼、有效期六個月或以上的特區護照或BNO及身份證,便能即時於辦公時間內到香港中華旅行社取得簽證。
週一至週五 09:00~17:00
REMEMBER: Bring the approval code printout, your HKID, passport and cash.

(B) (網上申請台證, 香港國際機場辦事處取簽證)
you can purchase air ticket first and get your taiwan visa in HK airport (中華旅行社) before your departure. You must get the visa that day before approach the airline counter to get your boarding pass.
(1)Make sure you have enough time in airport. Maybe long line.
(2)Make sure you know the business hour. If your flight is too early, the 機場辦事處 maybe not yet open.每日 08:00~20:00
(3)All the things same as (A), only get it in HK airport.

(C) (落地簽證:可入出境1次,有效期限14天):wait until you land in Taiwan airport. (Only 桃園(=Taipei International Airport)、高雄或臺中國際機場)Before approach the Taiwan 海關

1. 首次前往台灣只可逗留十四天
2. 必需於香港出生
3. 身份證上有三粒星***並有Z之字樣
4. 持有有效期六個月或以上之BNO或特區護照
5. 持有14天內確認日期之回程機票
6. 填寫表格一份
7. 用費:新台幣$200辦理入境簽証
(1)Only in 3 airports
(2)You must fullfill requirement#1 to 7
(3)Pay taiwan dollars only. Make sure you have enough TWD.
(4)For first time vistor only.
(5)Do not forget to bring HKID.

Anyway, I recommend you got it in 金鐘 before you travel.
港澳同胞回鄉證/回鄉卡 is for travelling to mainland china.

2009-09-06 05:57:04 補充:
臨時入境停留通知單/visa is a sheet of paper without photo. Taiwan 海關 will stamp on it, see your HKID and passport. Not stamp on your passport. Keep it with your passport any time.

2009-09-06 06:04:05 補充:
You also need to fill out 入出境 card on board to Taiwan. 海關 will get the 入境 card portion and staple the 出境 card with your visa. 海關 will get the 出境 card back when you leave Taiwan.

2009-09-06 06:06:19 補充:
Remember to get your passport, your HKID and visa back (if the visa can use twice) .
2009-09-05 4:23 pm
閣下必須持有護照 , 再辦台證。
2009-09-05 8:34 am

1) 網上申請後到金鐘中華旅行社取證
2) 落地簽証 (去到台灣先, 不過自己備台幣約200元)

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