what caused my iphone to stop working?

2009-09-05 4:55 am
i was using the ipod when the screen randomnly turned on its side and all that apeared was the time bar up the top the rest was black. i held down the power button to turn it off but i cant slide the bar across to actually turn it off. the screen will light up when i touch it but wont respond in any other way, and the volume/silent buttons on the side still work, right now im just letting it run out of battery... is there a reason for it freezing?
iPhone 3G 16gig with the latest update

回答 (2)

2009-09-05 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
maybe its the battery
2009-09-05 12:16 pm
go to att and get a new one

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