-2x+3< -7 how do you solve need help!?

2009-09-04 7:42 pm

回答 (3)

2009-09-04 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
-2x + 3 < -7
-2x < -7 - 3
x > -10/(-2)
x > 5
2009-09-05 2:49 am
First get all the real numbers on one side

-2x + 3 (-3) < -7 (-3)
-2x < -10
The negatives on each side cancel each other out, and voila, it's easy.
2x < 10

You can go from here, right?
2009-09-05 2:48 am
-2x + 3 < -7

-2x < -10 (subtract 3 from both sides)

x > 5 (divide both sides by -2, since we are dividing by a negative number we must swap the < to a >)

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