Did Jesus claim to be God? Or was He the Son of God?

2009-09-04 6:02 pm

回答 (10)

2009-09-05 5:13 pm
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Jesus not only claimed to be God but He demonstrated that He was God. Son of God,Redeemer, Savior etc are just His titles.
2009-09-05 1:06 am
Both. The son of a dog is a dog. The son of a human is a human. The Son of God is God.
2009-09-05 3:06 am
Jesus is not God. And he's not the son of God.

He's a messenger sent by God.

In the Bible, Jesus Christ said the following:
"This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent."
(John 17:3)

So, if he was God, does that mean he sent himself? So, there are 2 gods? and if he was the son of god, then why do people pray to him and not his father? wouldn't his father be more learned?

So, to my understanding, there can only be one God, and no sons.

Also from the Bible:
"The most important commandments," answered Jesus, "is this: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, is one Lord"

So, conclusion? Only one God.
2009-09-05 1:06 am
neither. he ws a messenger of God. god has no human form, or any family. god is beyond anything we can imagine
2009-09-06 3:27 am
Jesus is also called "Son of Man"(Matthew 26:64). Jesus is both God and man. Son of God means Jesus has the "DNA" of God. Son of Man means Jesus was fully human( Remember: the Bible is not originally in English.). That is what I have heard.Some of us are reading the Bible and putting meaning into it that is not there in the original language. God did not give birth to Jesus the Divine(though Jesus did come to earth as a baby and therefore His human part was born. Jesus said that before Abraham was born "I AM" (Last 2 verses of John 8). meaning He is the God, the same "I AM" (the name of God)who spoke to Moses (in Ex 3:14)
參考: Bible
2009-09-05 1:30 am
Both. Jesus many times claimed to be God in what He said. /he also proved it through His actions. Why do you think the Jews got so mad at Him? What He was saying was blasphemy(if He was not God.) at the same time, Jesus is also God's son-read Luke 3:2-221 and other parallel passages: 21When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened 22and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."
2009-09-05 1:07 am
YAHUSHUA was the son of the heavenly Father YHVH. He was Almighty. Ex 23:13 tells us not to use heathen names of mighty ones.
2009-09-05 1:26 am
PLEASE READ THE BIBLE AND IT WILL REVEAL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE REVERED SON OF GOD.The phrase "the only begotten son" (John 3:16) is another rendering for "the beloved son." The Septuagint translates ("thine only son") of Gen. 22:2 by "thy beloved son." But in this translation there is apparently a special use of the root, of frequent occurrence in rabbinical literature, as a synonym of ("choose," "elect"); the "only begotten" thus reverts to the attribute of the "servant" who is the "chosen" one.
The Gospel of John and the First Epistle of John have given the term a meta-physical and dogmatic significance. Many hold that the Alexandrian Logos concept has had a formative and dominant influence on the presentation of the doctrine of Jesus' sonship in the Christian writings. The Logos in Philo is designated as the "son of God";according to Jewish religious tradition, "Son of God" has many possible meanings, referring to angels, or humans or even all mankind. According to most Christian denominations, it also refers to the relationship between Jesus and God, specifically as "God the Son".
2009-09-05 1:36 am
Jesus is the SON of God according to the flesh (Romans 1:3), and the
very God Himself according to the Spirit. Jesus is the Christ (Matt
1:23); God made flesh (John 1:1-14); God manifested in the flesh (1
Tim 3:16); He which was, which is, and which is to come. THE ALMIGHTY
(Rev 1:8; Isa 9:6)

To this Jesus Himself testified when he said, "He that hath seen me
hath seen the father" (John 14:7-11); and "I and the Father are ONE"
(John 10:30).

Since it took the shedding of blood for the remission of sins of the
world (Heb 9:22), God as the Father being a Spirit had no blood to
shed; so He prepared a body of flesh and blood (Heb 10:5), that He
might fulfill the prophecy of Isa 43:11; "Beside ME there is no
SAVIOR"; and caused the angels to sing "For there is born this day in
the city of David, a SAVIOR which is CHRIST THE LORD" (Luke 2:11).

If God sent a son, the second person in the Godhead, to die on the cross, then He instituted CHILD SACRIFICE. This is in total disharmony with anything Biblical concerning the nature of God. God did not send his son, a second person in the Godhead to die for mankind, He came HIMSELF in the body of Jesus Christ! The body of Jesus Christ is the only visible manifestation of God we will ever see... because God is a Spirit. The incarnation provided a 'body' for that Spirit to visibly dwell in - ie., Emmanuel, God with us in the Flesh... Colossians 2:9 states it so succinctly:
"For in Him (Jesus Christ) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily."
參考: A=Apostolic B=Believer I=In O=One G=God JESUS
2009-09-05 1:11 am

Son of God = Servant of God.

That's why you will find a lot of people who are called 'son of god' in the Bible, including Adam, Moses, Enoch, You!
參考: Bible

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