Early Admission Scheme

2009-09-05 2:16 am
I've got a score of 6 'A*'s (including science and maths and other subjects)
and 4 'A's and 1 B in GCSE this year, and I've heard my friends talk about the EAS program and is interested.
I've looked at the HKU website...but didn't know how to use the CUHK site...


Grade A* in 6 subjects and Grade A in 4 or more subjects, with exceptional non-academic performance#;

咁咩先係"exceptional non-academic performance"?
仲有佢冇話咩subject要攞咩grade,但係我chinese就攞'A*' but English 就攞 B..the only 'B', 英文'B'會唔會唔得...?

do I have a chance of entering university through EAS program?

仲有...鋼琴...flute...義工...etc...會唔會有幫助or any effects?

我想讀 medicine.


回答 (1)

2009-09-06 5:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 好多時, cuhk 同hku既eas 呢, 個requirement 都係差不多既... 佢果個performance 係解緊你要有一d external award 既, 好似musics award 果一d 咁既.. 因為要show 到俾佢睇你唔係只係可以讀書, 但係其他唔係academic 既野入面, 都係可以做得好好既....

2) 講真呢... 如果係讀medics 呢, 係有少少難難地既, 因為佢既6個a*, 雖然唔係冇話係require 邊6個subject 既... 但係呢, 好多時, 佢地都係唔會count chinese 既, 因為佢地知道chinese 係會易一d 既... 而你個b呢, 都會有少少影響既... 因為佢地都會睇係睇英文既...

3) 當然, 如果你真係好想讀medics 的話, 你係可以去試一試既.. 但係呢, 因為你只有6個A*4個A, 可能呢, 要寫好一D 個personal statement既, 咁就會對個application會好一d既, 而flute 果一d 既surely 會芍個appication有幫助的:) 咁呢, 個人suggest 你可以睇多一d 同medics 有關既野既, 因為呢, 咁會對你既interview, 再唔係你入到medics 之後會有幫助既, 因為呢, gcse 同hkcee既science 都係差少少既:) 唔知你有冇做work experience 呢? 呢一d 都會幫到你既application 架, 寫哂落去的話, 都會有好幫助的:)

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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