I've got a score of 6 'A*'s (including science and maths and other subjects)
and 4 'A's and 1 B in GCSE this year, and I've heard my friends talk about the EAS program and is interested.
I've looked at the HKU website...but didn't know how to use the CUHK site...
Grade A* in 6 subjects and Grade A in 4 or more subjects, with exceptional non-academic performance#;
咁咩先係"exceptional non-academic performance"?
仲有佢冇話咩subject要攞咩grade,但係我chinese就攞'A*' but English 就攞 B..the only 'B', 英文'B'會唔會唔得...?
do I have a chance of entering university through EAS program?
仲有...鋼琴...flute...義工...etc...會唔會有幫助or any effects?
我想讀 medicine.