
2009-09-05 12:44 am
我想找孤星淚(悲慘世界)音樂劇的歌詞....以下, 謝

Work Song: 全劇開首曲,男聲合唱,為此劇展開悲慘情節的歌曲。
At the End of the Day: 大合唱,英女皇甚為喜愛的曲目。
I Dreamed a Dream: 女聲獨唱,曾被多次翻唱,亦是最觸動人心的歌曲之一。
Who am I?: 男聲獨唱,唱出了男主角對自己感覺的醒悟。
Confrontation: 男聲合唱,全劇最精采的二重唱曲目,亦是此劇的粉絲們最會唱的曲子。
Castle on a Cloud: 童聲獨唱,因為簡單調子在兒童之中居然也深受喜愛。
Master of the House: 男聲獨唱,精采搞笑而生動的歌曲。
Stars: 男聲獨唱,適合拿出來演唱,表現男中低音的好曲子。
Little People: 童聲獨唱,在百老匯版此曲被縮短,是唯一把原著照字全搬的曲子。
Do You Hear the People Sing?: 大合唱,全劇之中最鼓舞人心的音樂,亦是此劇的主題曲 - 自由。
One Day More: 大合唱,主題重現的經典之作,一直被譽為全劇最憾動的曲子,每次到此曲觀眾都幾乎得站起來拍手。
On My Own: 女聲獨唱,另一個明顯的音樂主題,十分常拿出來獨唱,溫柔而淒婉。
The Plumet Attack: 男聲合唱,全劇曲風最奇特的曲子,筆者個人喜好。
A Little Fall of Rain: 男女合唱,劇中頗為少見,亦是最易催人淚下的歌曲。
Drink With Me: 男聲領唱,帶出劇中灰心情懷的曲子。
Bring Him Home: 男聲獨唱,對男高音的要求高,常拿出來獨唱,亦是此劇最著名的曲子之一。
Empty Chairs at Empty Tables: 男聲獨唱,幾乎便被刪走的曲目,幸好被Michael Ball一"口"救回。
Finale: 大合唱,全劇最終的宗旨:愛、自由、寬恕、憐憫,都一次過表現出來,又是引得觀眾們不得不站起來的樂段。

回答 (2)

2009-09-05 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
我只知道其中一幕.................Do You Hear the People Sing?

Music by Claude-Michel Schonberg
Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer
Orginal Text by Alain Boubli & Jean-Marc Natel

Lyrics :

Part A
Do you hear the people sing , singing the song of angry men ?
It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again !
When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums ,
there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes .

Part B
Will you join in our crusade ? Who will be strong and stand with me
Beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see ?
Then jon in the figh that will give you the right to be free !

Part C = Part A
Do you hear the people sing , singing the song of angry men ?
It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again !
When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums ,
there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes .
參考: By my musicbook
2009-09-09 11:42 am
I have the whole set of lyrics from my album. Email me at [email protected] and I will scan those for you.

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