
2009-09-04 6:49 pm

回答 (3)

2009-09-04 7:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Give some respect, praising and hope to them and to share with them the new environment and concept as a forward looking business relative to their successful past experience and glory.
2. They normally resist making any change in the company. They afraid to learn new things, a challenging and threatening to their present prestige position, knowledge and job position. Moreover, they don't want to learn or take up or to accept new things or concepts. Their learning abilities are very weak as they are old. They may think their well-established position maybe unstable and may lose their jobs too. Gone with the past glory. This is quite a common issue facing some old-established companies.

2009-09-11 1:51 am
由其個d係間公司裡做左好多年個d老pat pat... 佢地以為自己年資最深, 識o既野係最多...好多時都好扮野. 而且, 佢地成日會掛係口邊的就係 "以前or不嬲公司一直都係咁的方法處理,點解依家要咁" "以前亞邊個邊個都係咁架啦, 一直都冇問題架喎" 等等. 佢希望你用返佢做開個套去處理... 因為係佢自己唔想改變...唔想去學. 而且佢地的思想仍然會保持係十幾廿年前, 好難要佢地即時去改變.

對於呢d老pat pat... 你先向佢地查問返以前用咩方法,先跟佢的方法去試, 然後再用你自己方法處理比佢睇有咩好處/分別. 等佢地死得眼閉.
2009-09-10 7:57 pm

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