How will a turkish man treat a non-turkish woman as his wife?

2009-09-04 4:32 am

回答 (6)

2009-09-04 12:05 pm
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will treat her the same..with respect.

no exceptions
2009-09-04 6:09 pm
my husband is turkish and a non practicing muslim. i am english and a non practicing christian. our relationship is fantastic. we have been married just over 1 year and he treats me like a princess, so no complaints from me! we both respect each other and our cultures and enjoy married life very much. he did not change when we got married and treats me the same now as he did before we got married.
2009-09-04 7:24 am
There are many examples in Azerbaijan and nothing is concrete. Some treat them like godesses and some like rubbish. Just like non-turkish men really
2009-09-04 10:22 am
I am not Turkish but have only ever dated Turks.

I am however, Middle Eastern and Muslim.

Generally (and I am from London, UK) they are of the mindset that AS LONG AS the girl is Muslim, they don't give 2 jots if she is Turkish or not. And I'm talking for the London-born Turkish boys here.

They do tend to talk down about English girls. A lot of it is to do with the way English women behave in Turkey on holiday. That may or may not be fair, but that is what they say.
2016-05-19 2:27 pm
Me, no. I don't know the others I can marry to another Turk, following a different religion though .
2009-09-04 5:25 am
Not sure

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