ENG Book report

2009-09-04 12:22 am

Book Title:
No.of pages:
第一本:Which character is your most favourite chharacter in book?Why?(50words)
第二本:Which scene is the most unforgettableto you?Why?(50words)
第三本:If you are tohe author, what would your ending of the story be?Please re-write the ending of the story.(50words)

回答 (1)

2009-09-04 12:26 am
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Title: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Author: Seth Grahame-Smith

Summary and Comments:

Pride and Prejudice was one of my greatest sufferings in Form One’s English literature, but not anymore: Seth Grahame-Smith and Jane Austen’s combined work transformed Pride and Prejudice from a ‘masterpiece of world literature into something you’d actually want to read’ as quoted from the blurb.

Although my parents, relatives and some of the adults I know all claim Pride and Prejudice to be a beautiful, well-written classics, I cannot help but fall in love with a faster, more exciting and more enjoyable version of P&P with the walking dead. Perhaps zombies are not the best type of character for love and passion, but the author did a great job merging two totally unrelated kinds of writing material together, forming this awesome story.

I think this book is more like fanfiction, or crossovers, with the original background and new characters or the other way round. Actually, despite how unappealing Pride and Prejudice was to me, my fondness towards the pairing Mr. Darcy cross Elizabeth had grown evidently as I reread this book the summer before Form 3 out of boredom. I found a lot of fanfics regarding this book, but after reading P&P&Z, I found that none was as interesting and as humorous to match.

One of the most deadly traps in which most fanfiction authors fall in would be their characters being OOC (a.k.a. out of character), some examples being Darcy having sudden outbursts in the midst of a ball in front of Elizabeth and the fellow Bennetts, Mr. Bennett gossiping along with his wife and Jane speaking rudely to Mr. Bingley. I can accept alternate pairings or change of settings, but when the problem of OOC becomes serious, I become disgusting by the way characters act.

2009-09-03 16:31:49 補充:
Title: For One More Day
Author: Mitch Albom
Summary and Comments:

2009-09-03 16:31:55 補充:
#‘For One More Day’ is both a sad and joyful story, where young Charles ‘chick’ Benetto, born in a divorced family, slipped out with his father one day when his mother Posey died of a heart attack.

2009-09-03 16:32:08 補充:
Grief and regret filled Chick’s heart for eight years, haunted him and eventually forced him to commit suicide.

2009-09-03 16:32:25 補充:
unsuccessful attempt to kill himself led to another unexpected encounter with Posey – he was given one more day to wash away all the regret he had.

2009-09-03 16:33:16 補充:
However, his ... ...

2009-09-03 16:33:40 補充:
#I was deeply moved by this book that I almost had to shed tears while reading it. I love the smooth, unique writing style and the mourning, wishful feelings seeping through every word.

2009-09-03 16:33:54 補充:
The author was especially successful in describing how much and how deep Chick had regretted what he had not done for his mother, and how much his mother, a typical caring, loving mother, had done for him.

2009-09-03 16:34:12 補充:
The author was especially successful in describing how much and how deep Chick had regretted what he had not done for his mother, and how much his mother, a typical caring, loving mother, had done for him.

2009-09-03 16:34:19 補充:
#One part of the story which I found especially interesting was when Chick reflects on two categories: ‘times my mother stood up for me’ and ‘times I did not stand up for my mother’.

2009-09-03 16:34:28 補充:
Now that I think of it, we children seldom had the chance to protect or defend our parents, we are always the ones being protected – sometimes we are even annoyed by their overprotective acts.

2009-09-03 16:34:47 補充:
I believe that nine out of ten youngsters feel the same about their parents: they care too much, they interfere when they should not, they warn their children this and that unnecessarily;

2009-09-03 16:37:21 補充:
but one day, when we too, become parents and do the same thing like what typical parents do, we will realize how much love and care they have put in every syllable of their word.

2009-09-03 16:37:50 補充:
#Reading this book reminded me of another movie from long ago, called A.I., which was about a robot David who was abandoned by the first couple who adopted him.

2009-09-03 16:37:55 補充:
He longed for the love of Monica, his mother-figure, but she and her husband decided to leave him.

2009-09-03 16:38:13 補充:
2000 years later, after the extinction of human, David was discovered and was given one more day to live with a recreated Monica by a lock of her hair, who promised David that she loved her truthfully.

2009-09-03 16:38:29 補充:
I was very young when I first watched that movie, but after reading this book, I went back to it immediately.

2009-09-03 16:38:38 補充:
#Last but not least, I think this story to be very reflective. It brings back a lot of memories: sweet ones, bitter ones, just like what Chick felt when he reencountered his deceased mother.

2009-09-03 16:38:48 補充:
I do think that for people of different ages, they will have different feelings after reading this book.

2009-09-03 16:38:55 補充:
#<-- new paragraph

2009-09-03 16:38:58 補充:

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