英翻中 (一小段,不長),謝謝。

2009-09-03 8:25 am
While the patient approach has worked well for unheralded players, it has also been a boon to the careers of a pair of former first rounders. Aaron Rodgers and Philip Rivers spent the early parts of the careers on the bench learning behind more established veterans. Though the time spent on the sidelines was surely frustrating to each, the countless reps on the practice field enabled them to prepare for the speed of the pro game away from the spotlight. And each appeared ready for the big time when they received the starting nod.


回答 (2)

2009-09-03 7:50 pm
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While the patient approach has worked well for unheralded players, it has also been a boon to the careers of a pair of former first rounders. Aaron Rodgers and Philip Rivers spent the early parts of the careers on the bench learning behind more established veterans. Though the time spent on the sidelines was surely frustrating to each, the countless reps on the practice field enabled them to prepare for the speed of the pro game away from the spotlight. And each appeared ready for the big time when they received the starting nod.

耐心地等待對於漠漠無名的球員來說是司空見慣的事,而這卻也是兩位前先發球員出線的契機。Aaron Rodgers 和 Philip Rivers 兩位在職業生涯初期都是板凳球員,也都在背後慢慢觀摩其他資深球員。雖然坐冷板凳對他們來說極不好受,但無數次在練習場地上的訓練讓他們在成名前準備好職業賽事所需要的速度,而他們倆個也不失所望,在教練允許上場後果真表現出他們準備好的一面。

BMOC doesn't always translate to big-time success in the NFL

2009-09-03 9:19 pm
對菜鳥球員而言,耐心是基本功,也成就了一對前任的一哥將才。Aaron Rodgers and Philip Rivers發跡前期,也在場外長期觀模老手戰技,雖然界外耗時磨練對他們兩位來說,都痛苦難當,但不斷場次的實地戰況,讓他們在聚光燈外有了職業水準的衝剌速度。任何進場時機,他們都能全力以赴。
其中boon 是恩賜,恩惠。
Rep 是固定場次的不同演出球局。
Pro game 是職業比賽。
Starting nod 是開始點頭同意之意。
因此when they received the starting nod. 即是教練開始允許他們進場之時。

大青蛙 敬上
參考: 獨門翻譯 自由自在

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