I think my uncle is a molester? Or a sex freak..?

2009-09-03 2:41 am
Okay, so my aunt is 30 years old, and she married my uncle when she was 28. My uncle is 32 years old.
They have a 2 year old son (and i THINK the only reason she married him was because she was knocked up.. but i don't know for sure.)

Anyway, i thought he was really nice at first. He seemed like he's a good guy and stuff. But recently he's been acting very strange around me. I'm 15, almost 16 years old.. and like i dunno. Sometimes when i come over to their house to babysit, he'd come home from work and lay on the bed and stare at me..? And i'd feel so awkward! I'd smile and walk away. Anyway, THIS really recently happened like last week, i came over to their house again, and my aunt was home then. It was late at night and he said to me WHILE my aunt was doing the dishes, he said, "Hey, so you have any boys at school that like you?" And i said, "No. I don't think so." And then he said, "Oh ... that's weird, you're a very beautiful girl."
And i thought it was a nice compliment, but i was TOTALLY freaked out. I said, "Okay." really quietly to myself.

My aunt came into the room and she asked if i'd like to sleep over, (it's summer still) and i said, "No thanks, i got to go home and clean my room" (this is my excuse btw) and then my aunt said, "Oh, that's right! We don't have any spare rooms because we still have all the junk in the other room."

So my uncle said, "Oh, that's okay.. She can sleep with us if she wants, we have a king size mattress."
Then i started to get red and i was really uncomfortable, and i noticed my aunt laughing like it was some joke or something. So i pretended to laugh and said, "No thanks." And i called my mom to pick me up.

Okay, now this happened YESTERDAY.
They came over to my house for dinner because my mom was cooking, and i went into my room and changed because i didn't realize i had a stain on my shirt. And he knocked on the door and told me dinner was going to be ready soon. I said, "OKAY." But i don't have a lock. So i tried to look for a t-shirt and change as fast as possible, and then i heard the door knob turn, and the door creak, so i jumped and screamed, "I'M CHANGING!" and he still continued to open it. I was in my bra!
He looked at me for a straight 20 seconds. Literally 20 seconds. And then he smiled like he was embarrassed and apologized.

He's not ugly, he's actually pretty good looking.. but he creeps me out.
Does this sound convincing that he's a freak? I haven't told anyone yet because i don't want them to think i'm crazy!

i don't think my aunt wouldn't have planned this with him... she's a great aunt. i'm a really paranoid person so i don't know what to do..i'll tell my aunt tonight about the situation on the phone and then i'll tell my mom. my dad isn't going to be home tonight, he's over at his friends house.


what if i'm blowing everything out of proportion? i don't really know what his intentions are for sure... but i'll tell my mom for sure then and my aunt later..

回答 (13)

2009-09-03 3:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
We have all been there, me many times. My teacher, When I started school all the new girls were warned by other students that Mr xx is the pervert, and yes what he did was gross and made me feel uneasy... but we all had our story to tell so I didn't feel alone. The a*s got fired years later. My x boyfriends dad... he was the worst when no one was around he would pin me to a wall or a chair, with his legs spread apart and just smile at me, he was like a fu**in dog, all my bf would say is "dad stop bugging her" with a smile.
What I always noticed is they'll find ways that to touch you, making it seem innocent, like Putting their arm around you or placing their hand on your leg while their talking to you.
Don't worry about... yes it is really gross, but you have to keep in mind every girl has had that, it's a cross us woman have to bare. So next time he does it just keep this in mind and ignore him.
2009-09-03 2:52 am
if you think that he is doing something that is inappropriate or acting in a way that an uncle shouldn't, you have to say something to your folks- even if you are being paranoid, it is better to be paranoid than raped.... trust me on this
2009-09-03 2:50 am
TELL YOUR MOM IMMEDIATELY. LIKE NOW. Before this guy tries to go any further.
2009-09-03 2:55 am
yep...he's a dirty old man. just tell your mom and possibly your aunt. if he tries to do anything innapropriate just give him a good swift kick in the nads and tell him to ''f**k off, you slimy pedifile".
2009-09-03 2:53 am
Yeah he's a freak? and Sorry, But I have to wonder about your aunt too. She would have known there were no spare rooms when she asked you that. They may have both been hoping you'd stay that night. He might have put her up to asking that too.
2009-09-03 2:53 am
Tell you mother right now.
Stop going over to the aunt and uncle's house. Tell your parents why.

This guy sounds like a potential rapist. His behavior is not normal.
2009-09-03 2:58 am
You should deffantly tell your parents about the situation. Tell them honestly, that you think this is all really creepy and are afraid that he may be dangerous. They will be able to sort it out with your aunt to see if this is a serious problem or if it was all just a big misunderstanding. Make sure you do tell someone, its better to be safe then sorry.
2009-09-03 2:57 am
Tell your mom exactly what you told us and that you don't want to cause trouble, but you think that he is crossing the line. Maybe she can keep a closer eye out and you should avoid him like the plague.
Also, don't put yourself in a position where you are ever alone with him.
2009-09-03 2:47 am
Yep he's a freak. Get more proof then tell your parents or somebody.
God, what a pervert.
2009-09-03 3:23 am
Trust me honey, when a relative makes a comment about you sleeping in the same bed as him and your Aunt you are NOT blowing anything out of proportion. The guy might be cute, but he is a creep and what bothers me is that your Aunt laughed at that comment. Hopefully that was just nervous laughter and nothing more. Don't allow yourself to ever be alone around this guy and please tell you mother about all of this.
2009-09-03 3:22 am
i would tell your mom and then talk to your aunt about feeling no good around him .
2009-09-03 3:01 am
You need to tell your mom right away. The walking into your room without permission is a definite out of bounds behavior for an "uncle". Limitations need to clearly defined on what is appropriate behavior between your uncle and yourself.

Compliments are okay, but suggesting you sleep with him and your aunt or walking in on you is not and he needs to clearly see that this makes you uncomfortable.

You are not crazy! You have the right to not expect advances from a member of your family. If you do not do something, it could get out of hand.

For all you know, if you do not say anything, he may think it's okay to become even more familiar.
2009-09-03 2:53 am
tell ur dad to beat the s**t out of his f***in a$$!

thats disgusting hes a freakin pervert man!

call the cops or file charges just make sure he pays for wat hes done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
參考: life man;)

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